If you have missed what I have covered in my Part 1, Hottest Premium Blogger Magazine theme and Part 2, Stunning Magazine Wordpress Themes. Two of the most popular blogging platform, with a punching list of Magazine styled theme for any niche.
Why Plugins are created for Wordpress Users?
If you aren’t very good at coding, or good with PHP in particular, then the WP community has come up with the solution using WordPress plugins, which will allow just about anyone to easily add additional functionality to their blog. It's that simple!
A list of must have Wordpress Plugins if you have just started blogging on this platform.

Image Credit:samanthacampbell
1. WordPress Database Backup
It allows for one-click backups via download, server directory, or email, all straight from your WordPress administration interface.
WP Database Backup Download
2. WP-Cache 2.0
It works by caching WP pages and storing them in a static file for serving future requests directly from the file rather than loading and compiling the whole PHP code and then building the page from the database.
WP-Cache Plugin
3. Uberdose SEO
This plugin is streamlined for some best practices for Wordpress SEO. All in One SEO to tweak the default options.
All In One SEO Pack
4. Quick META Keywords
The Quick META Keywords Wordpress Plugin will automatically add META Keywords tags to every single post on your wordpress blog. Sounds Crazy, but it works well!
Quick META Keywords Plugin
5. Permalink Redirect
Permalink Redirect will issue a 301, permanently moved, redirection to anyone accessing your page via the non-permalink URL.
Permalink Redirect WordPress

Image Credit:nmec
1. Akismet
Checks your comments against the Akismet web service to see if they are spam or not. One of the best in the list.
Akismet SK Download
2. Spam Karma
Spam Karma is a great free replacement for Askimet. If you like to be different from the rest, try this.
Spam Karma Download
3. Contact Form Spam Killer
Spamming is going to happen everywhere and that is where this little plugin will help clear those trying to play punk in your contact form.
WP Contact Form with Spam Protection | Download Direct
4. Defensio
In order to use this effectively, you should deactivate Akismet and/or any other anti-spam plugins before using this.
Defend against spammers Download
5. Simple Trackback
Simple Trackback Validation Plugin for WordPress 2.x performs simple but very effective tests on all incoming trackbacks in order to stop trackback spam.
Simple Trackback Validation Plugin

Image Credit:Fenchurch!
Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) gives you a list of posts and/or pages related to the current entry, introducing the reader to other relevant content on your site. YARPP can also be displayed as a widget.
YARPP Download
2. Wasabi Related Entries
This plugin will output a series of "related" entries based on keyword matching.
Wasabi Download
3. Original WordPress Related Posts
WordPress Related Posts Plugin will generate a related posts via WordPress tags, and add the related posts to feed.
Related Plugin Download
4. Rmarsh
This plugin displays a list of posts which are related or similar to the current post.
Similar Post Plugin Download
5. Contextual Related Posts
It is a simple install and it will show the last 5 related posts from your blog. The display show the links right after the comment form. The matching is done with the post title of the post being viewed.
Contextual Related Posts Plugin

Image Credit:han_solo
1. Twitter Tool
'This plugin creates an integration between your WordPress blog and your Twitter account. Pull your tweets into your blog and create new tweets on blog posts and from within WordPress.’ One of Alex King's project to integrate WP and Twitter.
WordPress 2.1 or 2.2 Version Download | WordPress 2.3 Version or later Download
2. Social Bookmark Creator
It gives you the ability to have a dropdown menu or simply having the images of 10 different social news sites running at the same time on your blog.
Social Bookmarker Download
3. FlickR Streaming
This plugin for WordPress allows you to display Flickr photos on your weblog. The plugin supports user, public and group photostreams.
FlickR Plugin Download
4. YouTube Plugin for Wordpress
The EasyTube plugin allows you to take control of your video content by using one simple tag!
EasyTube Plugin
5. WP-PostRatings 1.31
Adds an AJAX rating system for your WordPress blog's post/page.
WP-PostRatings Plugin

Image Credit:Fanboy30
1. AdSense-Deluxe WordPress
AdSense-Deluxe is a WordPress plugin offering advanced options for managing the automatic insertion of Google AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) ads to your WordPress posts.
Adsense Deluxe WP Plugin
2. Adrotator
Ad Rotating Solution for your Ads. I think this simply sums up what you need to know.
Adrotator Plugin
3. Buy Me a Beer
This WordPress plugin allows your readers to donate money to you via PayPal. The plugin is widget enabled.
PayPal Donation WordPress Plugin
4. BankRollin
The only sure way to avoid being detected by Google for paid links is through contextual links. I am sure you have heard of this by now, you can download the free version which requires a link back to the site otherwise, get it for an affordable price.
WP BankRoll Plugin

Translator Plugin Pro provides automatic machine translation of your WordPress blog in 13+1 languages - German,Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Dutch, Greek, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional and optionally Norwegian.
Translator Plugin Pro
2. WP Translator
It adds translations from and into all language pairs offered by Google, and some pairs offered by web translation engines like Altavista, InterTrans, Globe, Interpret and others, depending on their availability and efficiency.
Wordpress Translation Plugin
3. WP Global Translator
Global Translator is a free and open source Wordpress Plugin which is able to automatically translate your blog in the following different languages, a total of 25 countries.
Global Translator Plugin
4. WordPress Translate
WP-Translate is a simple drop in way for users to view your blog in their language. Its easy for any most users to add this functionality to their site.
WordPress Translate
5. GG Translate
Users have an administration page to the plugin that allows you to select translation engine order of preference, base language for the blog, the url format for the translation links, and the maximum number of translation links to display.
GG_Translate Plugin
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18 Responses to "30 Useful Wordpress Plugins Guaranteed To Create Blog Reactions"
October 2, 2008 12:09 AM
Fantastic list, I was surprised "All in SEO" wasn't on it, but good just the same.
October 2, 2008 12:11 AM
Thanks for this great, useful and informative post! I will definitely check out some of these plugins.
October 2, 2008 1:28 AM
wow what an amazing list of plug ins thanks for sharing! Stumbled as well!
October 11, 2008 4:34 PM
Good helpful list for SEO guys.It helps me lots for implementing SEO for my site.
October 20, 2008 5:12 PM
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June 4, 2009 5:34 AM
I wonder why we should kill spam? Oh well, spam is still spam, no matter how it is being done.
July 4, 2009 7:25 PM
I'm using a good number of these plugins. Hadn't heard of same of them though, so I'll be sure to check them out.
August 25, 2009 3:25 PM
You have chosen some of the helpful options from wp plugins. However few I would like to suggest are featured content gallary, wp-cumulus & seo friendly images. Hope that helps you guys!
November 25, 2009 7:17 PM
Nice and agreee.WP post rating is the most popular ones.
December 10, 2009 9:57 AM
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December 18, 2009 1:25 AM
Thanks for the list my friend :)
January 6, 2010 6:00 PM
Good informative post. As per my knowledge wordpress blog engine is the best. It consists many different plugins.
February 3, 2010 1:42 PM
very very useful post
March 11, 2010 5:53 PM
thanks for sharing Good helpful list for SEO guys.
March 18, 2010 12:58 PM
I will definitely check out some of these plugins.
March 22, 2010 12:19 PM
Thanks for useful and informative post! I will definitely check out some of these plugins.
March 28, 2010 6:35 AM
Thanks for these good tips here!
March 29, 2010 3:55 PM
This is what I needed, very useful
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