I have also noticed many bloggers are starting to notice how powerful using Stumbleupon could drive more traffic to your blog. If you are new to Stumbleupon and need help to learn Stumbleupon better, here i have a list for you to absorb on how to stumble and gain traffic 2 times the current amount you have!
- Building Your Blog With StumbleUpon - Problogger
- A Comprehensive Guide to StumbleUpon - DoshDosh
- A Definitive StumbleUpon Guide: Driving Traffic To Websites - Shaun Low
- Ultimate Guide to Using StumbleUpon - Kyle Cove
- 5 Tactics For Driving Traffic From StumbleUpon - Cameron Olthuis
- 25 ways to Massive Traffic with Stumbleupon - Etienne Teo
- Use Social Media Arbitrage to Drive Traffic with StumbleUpon - John Wesley
- Increasing your StumbleUpon Audience - Neil Patel
- Build Super Links and Traffic With StumbleUpon - Loren Baker
- Boost Your StumbleUpon Traffic with Outbound Links - Caroline Middlebrook
- How to Use StumbleUpon for Your Business - 10e20
- What Stumbleupon Never Told You to Do - Etienne Teo
- Why StumbleUpon Sends More Traffic Than Digg - Problogger
- StumbleUpOn + Alexa Traffic Ranking = Traffic - Terence Chang
- Is StumbleUpon Considered Auto-Surf Traffic & Against AdSense TOS? - Seroundtable
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6 Responses to "The Ultimate Strategic StumbleUpon Bible Guide"
That is a good list of Stumbleupon guide! gonna bookmark it in my list!
October 9, 2007 1:30 AM
Great guide. I'll try implementing it soon.
I have one question. Why do you charge $5 to feature a site, and then put a nofollow tag with their links?
October 9, 2007 1:42 AM
i am doing an experiment with this, after hearing what matt cutt had to say at his blog,"I would use the rel=”nofollow” attribute. The nofollow tag allows a site to add a link that abstains from being an editorial vote. Using nofollow is a safe way to buy links, because it’s a machine-readable way to specify that a link doesn’t have to be counted as a vote by a search engine."
Don't worry they will still get their backlinks from me, just that it will not be index on the search engine. Like i said, this is an experiment..it will change.
Read the article..
October 9, 2007 4:48 AM
I enjoyed reading your stumbleupon article. I wrote this a while back:
October 9, 2007 10:57 AM
tejvan, thanks! you wrote yourself also a good top 10 list..
September 2, 2008 7:33 PM
Thanks for this great post I would like to recommend a online resource that is designed for those searching for quick information on the Bible and those who want an in-depth treatment of hundreds of Biblical topics.
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