Google Adsense is an idiot proof money making program that allows you to places contextual ads on your website or blog. One thing for sure Google is no idiot, there have set a very strict rules and regualation which you got to follow or get eliminated, it's sounds like some reality show, but the fact is not everyone will compile to the terms of services which they should have read when they apply for adsense.
This may seems like some donkey years information but many people are still breaking the rules yet they blame Google adsense for giving them the boot out of the program. To stay with adsense, you got to play along with the rules and the rules are not meant to be broken with Google. Common Mistakes are always made by people, while they want to hitch a fast ride to making money, but it will never work! Be Internet smart and avoid these common mistakes which will violate Google Adsense.
1. Never Click your own ads in whatever way
Coincidentally this is number 1, because i want to tell you 70% of why google adsense ban you is because you either tried to be fun to test the system by clicking on your own ads or you gave an accidental click on your site. For those who tried to test the system, good luck, as for those who gave an accidental click, there is a way to help you not get ban, give google adsense a courtesy mail and tell them you accidentally click on your own ads and they will help you in some ways. Remember how you own up when you did something wrong, your parents forgive you.
2. Do not place more than 3 ad units and 3 ad links or 2 adsense search boxes on any blog
Google gives a maximum of 3 ad units and links with 2 search boxes to be placed on 1 full page, even if you place a fourth ad, it will never appear on your page so don't worry, once you busted the limit, it will not show, a safe pre-cautious that Google implemented.
3. Never Change or implement new codes in your adsense
When you have configured your adsense code, make sure you do not meddle with the script nor the ads codes. The only code that you may change are the color and banner size code, again i warn those who are not proficient in HTML to not try this, go back to the product and reset the configurations.
4. Open 1 Account for 10 websites
If you have 10 websites which you want to use Adsense, then 1 account is sufficient, there is no requirement for you to open another 10 more, even with 10 more a small mistakes can land all your accounts into the "publisher burying sections".
5. Do not disclosure your secrets
This happens when you are showing off your Google adsense income report. You should always remember that you are only allowed to show the earnings column, cause adsense is sensitive on issues with showing your CTR and impressions.
6. Give labels like sponsors or advertisements only
Do not misled your ads to your audiences, that is one of Google's principle, place labels like Sponsors, advertisements are fine but not "Click here for more" or "Great offers". Don't get banned by Google for such acts.
7. Never let your ads launch in a new browser
It is not advisable for your to change the coding in the first place and by adding a code like target ing ads to open in a new browser is against the TOS.
8. Do not run competitive contextual text ads or search services on the same blog
It is not advisable for you to run same contextual text ads services in on page, and Google only allows alternate services like auctionads , chitika or yahoo ads provided the ads do not resemble Adsense ads.Never try to create link structures resembling the adsense ads.
9. Never put images with Adsense ads
Images and ads will be a good attraction for others to click on your irrelevant ads, which Google dismay, and they only allow placing images with ads if there is a clear cut border between the ads and the images, otherwise it is against their TOS.
10. Do not join click farms that provide you click on your ads
They claimed that they’ll deliver clicks to your ads and all you do is to join and pay them by certain amount. Always keep in mind that using such methods to earn your clicks is highly prohibited. Don't pay money for things that don't return
11. Using 3rd party programs to improves impressions
Like how you should never use Click ads program, you should not use autosurf or paid surfing program to increase your impressions with Google, this will get you out of adsense program.
12. Be cautious where you place your ads with non contents pages
Placing ads in error pages, thank you or pages that have no contents but just ads and a sentence of word is not allowed. Chances are Google would have noticed of such activities and would ban you when the time is right.
13. Don't stuff all your keywords in one article
Experts tells you to stuff keywords in one article, Google tells you not too. Who should you believe, the expert or Google who is paying you money for their ads. Writing a well contented article is what you should be looking out for and planting keywords of your choice would be advisable to hit targeted ads but avoid stuffing too much keywords, this might alarm Google to visit you when time comes.
14. Encouraging Clicks
It is not advisable that you encourage others to click on your ads, sentences like "click on mine ads and i will click on yours" or "click on my ads to discover more" is all prohibited and can cause your adsense account to be disabled.
15. Pop-up or pop-under ads are not allowed to work with adsense
Adsense discourages having both their ads with pop-up or pop-under ads from external services.
16. Do not use MFA Templates and AdSense Arbitrage
Don't buy MFA(Made for adsense) Templates! Google have been banning accounts who used them since June 21st 2007. You basically earn lots of money with this adsense arbitrage method by navigating ads to get to where you want to view the content, the site owner might be happy but Google have since had enough and placed a stop to such acts.
17. 3 Referral Button and no more
Like the ads which have a maximum of 3, referral buttons can only have a maximum of 3 and recently they added a new feature which is the referral 2.0 which you can chose different referral product and have it as text links who looks like your normal content ads.
18. Never send your adsense ads out through email
If you are one of those who are trying to outsmart google, they beat you first. Using HTML emails and delivering your adsense is not going to work, it might just give you a slap on your own face and prepare for your adsense to be closed in the next few days.
19. Don't place adsense ads as your alternate ads
When you display adsense in that fix place, you are not allowed to place alternate ads to overwrite adsense ads. If you need to place alternate ads, adsense does have a function to allow you to directly place in alternate ads instead of using their PSA.
20. Do not use directive methods to lure clicks
While placing images with borders to separate ads is not a problem, having images like arrows or other graphical gimmicks that directs others to click is also not allowed.
21. Ensure you are language supported
Presenting irrelevant ads on other languages is also not allowed so make sure your ads actually supports these languages “Chinese (simplified), Japanese, Danish, Korean, Dutch, Norwegian, English, Polish, Finnish, Portuguese, French, Russian, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Swedish, Italian and Turkish”. Do not use adsense if your language is not stated here.
22. Do not mask your adsense ads
While blending your ads with your content is one of the way you can improve your earnings, take note that Google does not allow you to blend the color of the url with the background. Do not hide away relevant components that are shown by Google.
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48 Responses to "22 Mistakes that you never would have known could violate Google Adsense"
Yeah, my adsense was banned and i was thinking how i can revive it from google..
thanks for the refresher, i love tips!
September 28, 2007 1:23 PM
I learnt a lot here today. I am a newbie, so I will have to return to catch up with your other stuff.
By the way I learnt a lot from your stumble it.
October 18, 2007 12:10 AM
Hi in point #17 you say "only 2 referral buttons" but according to Adsense TOS:
"How many referrals can I place on a page?
You're welcome to place up to three referral units on a given webpage. This includes referral units for Google products."
October 18, 2007 10:52 AM
The Monetizer,
Thanks for dropping me a comment here, i will do my changes soon and thanks for the reminder on this, the TOS does change overtime without informing..
Your Points are just so relevant, thanks for teaching me.
May 20, 2008 3:39 PM
what will happen if my any opponent click on ads many times in my will ban my account ??
May 22, 2008 6:24 AM
Hi sampat,
This could happen if your impressions are not enough against your click rate.
omg!! will i get into prison if keep clicking on ads?help me man!!
November 1, 2008 9:34 AM
I've been like many others more recently using google adsense in their Facebook App, using Iframes to give us quality looking ads, which are actually relevant to our Game Apps.
Google can't see inside the Apps, so if we wasn't doing this, it would just show spammy Facebook related "you have 3 flirt messages" ads if at all.
But their is growing concerns this could be against their Policies but I'm not finding anything concrete.
Fuck i've been advertising with Google Over 2 Years & when i found today my account was disabled for no reason !! ?????
Can anyone provide me any explantion.?
November 30, 2008 5:05 AM
Good tips!!
February 8, 2009 6:40 PM
is there something better then adsense to earn money with our blog or website?
March 24, 2009 3:38 PM
Nice Post! I am still wondering what an ideal Privacy policy to be displayed on my Blogs.
April 17, 2009 5:54 AM
I'm guilty of not reading the TOS for adsense, because they are so long and technical...but I'm so grateful to have stumbled upon this post! I didn't know half of the stuff you posted could be considered a violation.
July 11, 2009 1:06 AM
Google in my opinion is the leading ad affiliate program. There are a few other good PPC programs but Google takes the cake. Many people claim that Google did them wrong and banned their accounts for no reason. But why would a huge Company like Google try to take away the small money of an adsense user? They would in no way put themselves at risk like that. I too run a blog within a similar niche if you dont mind take a visit and a leave a comment at
July 21, 2009 5:27 PM
Thanks for pointing out this tips.I would take care not to violate Adsense in any ways.
July 21, 2009 5:57 PM
One of my friend clicked his own ad and eventully when payment time came he got banned fro it.
August 22, 2009 11:42 AM
You were saying that no more than 3 links are allowed, but at the same time only 3 ad blocks. So if my 3 ads blocks, each contain 3 links, is that itself in violation of the Adsense terms? I appreciate an answer.. Because I sure do not want to lose my Adsense account.
October 19, 2009 7:06 AM
People most often place their ads in such a way that makes visitors want to click. If you mislead your visitors your Adsense account may be shut down. So be very careful!
October 26, 2009 5:27 PM
thank God i am not doing any 22 of them.
November 3, 2009 10:06 AM
Google adsense TOS is more strick today.
November 9, 2009 1:17 AM
Google hatest the most invalid clicks.
November 16, 2009 1:18 AM
most of new adsense users clicks their own ads.
November 16, 2009 10:59 PM
Thank God i am not doing any..
November 19, 2009 1:34 AM
i was doing some of them will avoid in future.
November 23, 2009 3:30 AM
You're welcome to place up to three referral units on a given webpage. This includes referral units for Google products."
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December 26, 2009 6:04 PM
Thanks for mentioning these mistakes.Would keep them in mind always
January 18, 2010 12:34 PM
The article is fantastic.. I enjoyed it reading.. Would love to read more of these...
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February 3, 2010 9:06 PM
Heya thanks I didnt know about these rules, they all seems like very tough protocols..thanks anyways. I ll try to keep a check on them...
February 10, 2010 4:27 AM
Interesting viewpoint...
February 12, 2010 2:10 AM
thanks for the article
February 12, 2010 5:55 PM
Reading this post was fun. Thanks for writing this post.
February 26, 2010 8:57 PM
We must always follow the rules.
March 3, 2010 1:16 AM really made my day & after reading this Surely..i ll twit this to my all friends to know more about this blog :)
March 4, 2010 10:43 PM
This includes referral units for Google products! teeth whitening
March 6, 2010 4:53 PM
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March 25, 2010 2:37 AM
Great advice. Its amazing that most of the stuff mentioned is good common sense. People need to use that common sense and apply
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AMAZING! Great post! Thank you for sharing!
March 28, 2010 12:58 AM
AMAZING! Great post! Thank you for sharing!
April 2, 2010 9:31 AM
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April 5, 2010 3:04 PM
These caustions are important.
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