Using a free translator without advertisements or even borders can be possible with Google translator, it allows your readers to convert English and read in other languages of their choice, you can easily install this translator into your blog and it will automatically translate the whole webpage by clicking on the desired flag icon corresponding to the appropriate language. It will be easy to install on your blogger and should work for other blogging platforms.
You can always download the Translator code and copy the code to to your blog and it should work for at your sidebar widget, for including this code into XML script, you would require to add this code "amp;" after every "&", it can be quite tedious because this coding have a lot of "&", my recommendation is to have it at the top of your sidebar using the widget provided in blogger.
To translate the whole webpage you simply have to click on the flag icon corresponding to the appropriate language. Simple as that!
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3 Responses to "Translate your web contents with Google Translator"
September 6, 2007 9:29 PM
Excellent write up. I've used Google's Translator recently for a couple of web documents and things went pretty smoothly. I will use this again and recommend it over Altavista's Bablefish.
That was what i am looking for, rather than those 3rd party advertisers! thanks!
November 26, 2007 9:54 AM
*cough* you can use them for simple translation if you really have to read a page, but this is unbearable as for normal reading.
It may work better for example going from German to English but let me tell you from experience: Anybody with any kind of English skills rather reads and uses the original.
And if they are not comfortable enough with the language, they will avoid this completly rather then go for a very annoying automatic translation. :)
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