Now here is my problem, I have recently lost my mouse and i mean the computer "mouse" which helps me navigation on the browser and now i am stuck till this weekend before i can get a new mouse. What can i do to keep stumbling actively even without a mouse in hand?"
This was a question asked by a mutual stumbler and i am respecting his decision that i don't publish his profile here. The trick to stumbling without using your mouse is ensuring you have a functionally keyboard. There is a simple function on the stumble toolbar which allows you to create short-cuts to stumble even without the use of your mouse.
This might sound dumb to those who are experts in using short cuts through keyboards daily but there are surfers who rely too much on their mouse that they forgot what their keyboard can do actually other than typing letters.
Getting your Short-cuts set to the correct keys
Remember the Stumble toolbar you have on your browser? If you do not have one, it is advisable you download one right now. Get your and this Stumble toolbar extension will work perfectly.
For those who already have the toolbar you can go to step 2. There is a "Tool" tab which allows you to configure your options which you might not have done before but today the motive is to get your shortcut keys ready in case you have a dis-functionally mouse at home and you are desperate to stumble!
After you go to "Tools" tab, look for 'Toolbar options'

There are 3 more tabs which you should click on 'Shortcuts', it's pretty simple from here on,There are 5 functions which requires a shortcut, add your chosen keys on the function! Press 'Ok' when you find that the setup is to your preference. You are ready to stumble without your mouse now!

I hope you are stumbling with ease using your keyboard now that you know about this simple trick hidden within the toolbar.
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18 Responses to "How To Stumble Even Without Using The Mouse"
November 20, 2007 8:20 PM
Wow, that was pretty useful Etienne, thanks a lot! :D
November 20, 2007 11:55 PM
That was something interesting, why you find all these information!
November 21, 2007 6:36 PM
Etienne, may be con incidence but I had posted almost a same article in my blog too.
World is a small place after all eh?
November 21, 2007 6:56 PM
Hi mani,
yeah, the world is small. I got a request from a stumbler and i found it useful to the rest.
Thanks for dropping by, you have been a regularly guest blogger for bloggingtips, you have a nice blog too.
November 21, 2007 8:09 PM
Hi Etienne,
This was pretty useful. thanks for posting these tips on your blog. Hope you continue helping those new people like me in this field!
January 25, 2008 11:37 AM
Thanks for the shout at digg, I discovered your interesting blog!
Hope to read more useful marketing tips from your posts!
December 23, 2008 9:01 PM
That's great info. I have been using stumbleupon since last couple of years, but haven't found it yet. Now thank you for the post.
April 30, 2009 4:01 PM
That's great new york asian escort info. I have been using stumbleupon since last couple of years, but haven't found it new york escort yet. Now thank you for the post.
July 10, 2009 7:06 PM
Great tips, it would helps me stumble without my broken mouse .. lol .. :D
July 23, 2009 7:49 PM
Nice tips.Though i prefer mouse but if something goess wrong with it then it will be a good idea.
August 22, 2009 12:26 PM
Stumble Without Using The Mouse...I didn't know before this,Big thanks.
November 3, 2009 10:07 AM
That's nice tips, i will try that.
February 12, 2010 2:07 AM
thanks for the tip
March 5, 2010 12:01 PM
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April 5, 2010 6:33 PM
very great information. i will try it
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Interesting topic to discuss
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