Money Can Kill A Blogger's Passion
Money could have killed kumiko's passion and drive to continue with this blog and that could be the reason why she sold the blog at $15,000 without a single post since 19th Nov 2007. Why do i say that? If you are a loyal reader on Cashquests, you will see that she will do anything for money other than the physical portion because her blog is 100% about make money online.
Please don't get the wrong idea and i respect what Cashquests is doing over at her blog. After Matt Jones sold his blog, Kumiko have been dropping hints on the possibility of her selling her blog. I am convinced we will not see another post from kumiko unless the new owner pays her $100 to do guest blogging on her old site Cashquests to continue writing as an editor for Cashquests.
Is Kumiko for Real?
This is the question and query I have been asked after i posted a review on her. Reading on the review i wrote on her the last time around shows that the only photo ever taken and publish on her old blogspot which shows a demure girl who claims to make $1,500 a month with Adsense but i guess all ended when too many of her perverted readers clicked excessively on ads which might have cost her income over time but she did make a name for herself over time.
I am very sure she was doing it right and her "perverted readers" who fantasy her daily could be the key to her success and as i said "sex sells" in the first portion of my title. Female photo tends to get more attention than a male photo, don't you agree with me, will you feel hot now that you have seen my photo, i doubt so? What if i told you Kumiko is just a nerdy fat bastard making you go crazy over "her", would you have second thoughts now?
Personal Blogs domain are much trustworthy to read
When it comes to a personal blog like etienneteo.com, blog flipping seems to be out of the question and making a profit out of my domain name will be harder than selling adspace on my blog. Recently i have been subscribing to many blogs who tends to use their personal name as a branding icon and you could have realised after the news that Cashquests was sold, i removed Cashquests link from my blogroll and i am sure i make the right choice to become a remarkable money maker and start exploring others who have the potential to help make money together here at etienneteo.com.
If Kumiko is fake then this was perhaps the most successful plot ever planned!
An image of a demure girl and a little bitching on how you can make remarkable money online driving 30,000 viewers and 900 over Rss readers crazy over her daily contents was certain one of the most successful way of running a blog. If she was fake then who is behind this whole plot, was my guess right on the fat sneaky bastard?
Kumiko's Cash Quest is certainly Over
Kumiko might have forgotten 900 Rss readers and close to 15,000 visitors per month are still waiting to see her update on who the new owner would be and how the owner is going make cashquests a more enjoyable place to stay with since kumiko is no longer blogging about remarkable money making. What are the changes expected? Everyone is still waiting for an answer, 3 days have gone by and i am sure the update will never come again soon, so i have decided to unsubscribe to cashquests. I am sure she knows that and since then her blog does not carry the Rss Readers counter since she does not want others to know how drastic the drop is!
Of course i will still want to wish "kumiko" luck in spending the $15,000 she made by selling her blog wisely venturing other opportunities that can make her remarkable money and to the new owner who owns cashquests, this is your last chance to start writing contents and retain some of your loyal readers before everyone leaves this money making blog. Good Luck!
Those Who Sent Kumiko Their Last Words on the $15,000 sales!
I am sure the blogging scene regards kumiko as a blogging superstar and her departure from cashquests have left many other bloggers talking and gossiping about why her cash quest is over, even the cows took time out to moo a little about whats up!
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3 Responses to "Kumiko's Passion For Cash Is Over"
November 23, 2007 6:53 AM
Maybe it is a fat guy who's behind cashquest after all =).
November 23, 2007 8:56 AM
Your post makes sense, what if she was fake? I didn't follow her blog from the blogspot and now, I won't follow it any more.
I like her (if she i real) writing style and I guess this is the other factor why people read it but I don't think there will be any upcoming posts that is interesting there for me to read any more.
Certified. Death time.... LOL
November 24, 2007 12:55 AM
I've been a fan of Kumiko since her blogspot days and then when CashQuest was created in Wordpress.
Now that CQ had been sold, it will never be the same again. It was good while it lasted.
Thanks for the many fond memories.
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