Firefox is considered as one of the best browser platform you can have and with that many addons you are spoiled for choices, so here i am going to add another 10 more addons, which i find useful and could well do you good for any reasons for faster and more efficient surfing and working online.

The extension for Firefox allows you to easily bookmark webpages in, from within the Firefox browser. It integrates with the Firefox toolbar and provides extra options such as right-click menu and highlight text to add notes.
Internet Explorer Tab
The IE Tab Extension lets you view a webpage in an Internet Explorer tab without leaving Firefox. Sometime you may just have files that are only applicable to IE but you do not want to leave firefox, so this extension can help.
Keyword Generator
The KGen extension allows you retrieves every words of a page and lets you know how many time they appears on her and their weight in the page.
Twitter Bar
The twitterbar extension allows you to post to twitter from the firefox addressbar.
MySpace Blog Editor
The MySpace Blog Editor Extension allows you to post directly from within Firefox to your MySpace blog as well as save notes, drag and drop formatted text from webpages, handle images.

The BatchDownload extension allows you to leech all the images in current page fast and easy.
Foxmarks Bookmark Synchronizer
The FBS Extension allows easy way to sync your Firefox bookmarks, if you use Firefox on more than one computer. It is very simple, but does its job nicely and has been well received by Firefox users.
Cooliris Previews
The Cooliris Previews Extension lets you have the power of preview every web link,media first hand and you can instantly email them out within a click.
FireFTP Extension
The FireFTP Extension is an option to Firefox's Tools menu. Click on it and a new tab opens (you can set this to a new window if you prefer) with a traditional two-panel FTP client: local files on the left, remote on the right. By right-clicking on files you can tweak their permissions and all the other things you'd expect to be able to do via FTP.

The Stumbleupon extension for firefox allows you to bookmark other websites you like easily with an easy tool. it also allows you to favorite the sites in 3 different area - website,photos,videos.
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5 Responses to "An extension to 10 more popular Firefox Addons"
I used key generator and it's a good tool to recommend
Thanks for the additional Addons, its very useful.
March 15, 2008 10:53 AM
I should really start using FireFox, but it is difficult to when a company like Microsoft has drilled IE into my brain since childhood. :)
Thanks for the post Etienne.
IE has been giving me a lot of problems anyway.
I had problems with the twitter could not work.
April 22, 2009 1:00 AM
had forgotten about the IE display plugin, thanks for reminding me.
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