- Firstly, it is free to use and everyone loves free tools.
- Secondly, it is fast and speedy in it's return of result from popular search engine.
- Thirdly, there are no ads nor popups from every search made which is a good thing.
- Fourthly, It's keyword ranking accuracy reaches 98.9% so if you have any doubt you just got to search it yourself to confirm the results.
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8 Responses to "Want To Know When Your Rank On Search Engines?"
November 29, 2007 3:10 PM
btw, have any idea about any tools to detect all keywords that my site ranks #1 on it?
it would be great if there is a tool for it.
November 29, 2007 8:03 PM
I tried it but the results seem to be wrong...
When I do a real search on google, with the same keyword, the website I entered is at No3 - when I use to tool, it says the site is at No35...
November 29, 2007 9:28 PM
@Jack - If such a tool is out i will be glad to blog about it.
@victor - i did many checks on mine and most of them are pretty accurate,it is a cool tool and it is faster than those which are paid services.
it's probably because you're checking google while you're logged into your google account.
try to log out first, or open your another internet browser and see how it goes.
Thanks for the resource Etienne, another SERP checker I use is located at http://link.ezer.com/tools/google_serps_rank_checker.asp
It checks your SERP across various Google data centers and gives you a more accurate idea of how your keywords rank on Google. Especially useful for Non-US based internet marketers. Because if you are not based in US and do a search on google (even using .com and not the local version), google would trace your IP and still return to you results that are skewed towards your country.
Alvin Huang
That was a pretty neat tool you brought to my knowledge, thanks!
May 10, 2009 5:28 PM
when I try that tool always error
July 9, 2009 11:08 PM
Thanks for your post, very useful and informative about rank search engine
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