Stumbling Tools & Scripts

- You are able use the small snippet code to add on your blog and share your list of stumbled videos with your fellow readers.
- To make it easy for those who does not have the toolbar you can add your own stumble button for other surfers to stumble your article.
Stumbleupon Auto-Code Creator - This form allows you to create a bookmarklet that will automatically insert your personalised layout into any StumbleUpon text box.
wySUwyg - This Firefox extension will give you more freedom with your StumbleUpon account by letting you alter the format of any text area you view. You can install wySUwyg from the installation page. Right now, it's available only for Firefox.
- Don't you want to share your stumbles with your facebook friends and family online? Now you can by adding on to this application you are able to show webpages that you give a thumbs up too.
- Stumbleupon have not forgotten all blog platform with simple embedded codes that you can add so that each and every article can be stumbled on the page by your readers.
StumbleRank - If you have hit a respected amount of stumbles with thousands of fans, why not submit your profile to this page which shows a list of top 100 craze stumblers!
Stumble with your Preferred Browser

Internet Explorer - One of the 2 official released add on browser available that can be downloaded from . You can now stumble with a toolbar which have many options allowing you to stumble better.
Firefox - I am a current firefox user and the toolbar came in hand to help me stumble better and to my preference which i can change my preference over time.
Opera - I have not used this browser before but there is an unofficial add on for opera users which should be pretty similar to both IE and FF.
Guides That Are a Must to Read

Beginners Guide to Stumbleupon
This is if you are still new, after reading you could read my comprehensive guide that i have written months ago before the rest of the article below.
How to Use StumbleUpon for Your Business
I have seen too many comprehensive stumbleupon guides, but Tamar wrote an exclusive for business setup and shows you how to use stumbleupon for your business.
Stumbleupon can get your AdSense Account Banned for Invalid Impressions Fraud
No complains were heard with massive stumble traffic yet, but we have heard of invalid impressions for those who got dugg hard and received almost 30,000 visitors at a go, not only did it crash their server but also lost their income.
5 Tactics For Driving Traffic From StumbleUpon
A stumble profile may look like a bookmarklet to you, but you might not realise that others are actually following your profile, stumble useful webpages and create a respectable stumble profile.
How to Become a Top StumbleUpon User
If you are crazy to become one of the top stumblers, then you got to work real hard to achieve that status but with hardwork and great stumbling you might become one of the top 50 stumblers.
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9 Responses to "15 StumbleUpon Tools and Resources You Can't Live Without"
Excellent list my friend. It was interesting when you gave link to opera browser which was something new. Thanks, now i have them on 3 browser but none on netscape, if anyone has it.
Hi Etienne
Many thanks for including my guide. You've created a great resource.
i also felt the same, stumbleupon traffic will not given you invalid fraud from adsense, maybe digg will.
December 12, 2007 7:09 PM
I really like StumbleUpon. It's quick and easy to use and sends great traffic.
Glad I stumbled-upon this post of yours.
I had no idea there were so many tools and I love plugins and extensions for my FireFox.
is stumbleupon producing better targeted traffic than digg?
It seems to me that stumbleupon traffic is much more targeted but digg traffic will enable a crash if your server is not strong enough.
That is a nice list from you. i just got to play with stumbling.
March 24, 2009 1:32 PM
I always use stumbleupon but I am not sure with the quality of traffic from stumble
September 17, 2009 3:54 PM
its a very informative post and i have become the fan of your blog!you managed very well!
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