I can say that I have been blogging for over a year now and yet I am not like all other young, expert bloggers out there. Before, whenever I saw an opportunity to make money online, I grab it. I have lots of clients. My tasks piled up until I cannot do all of them anymore. I have very good clients that I have turned down. It was very disappointing for my part.
That is when I started to blog. I used my blog to make an online portfolio for my future clients. But, a few months later, my blogs disappeared. I was too excited when I had my first blog. I placed every ad I could find in my blog. That’s when Google disabled it. I was shocked. I sacrificed everything for my blog, my time and even my career.
I know how it feels because I have worked with Smorty, Blogsvertise and Review Me. I used a free blog with a good page rank. Yes, I have earned $150+ for almost 3 months of writing reviews. I know other bloggers are making more than that. But when Google updated, my blog’s page rank was gone. It was back to zero and so are my opportunities.
So now, I am working this out one step at a time. I bought my own domain. I found discount coupon codes from GoDaddy that helped me get a cheap domain. Having your own domain is better than just setting up a free blog.
When you have your own domain, you can do anything with it especially in paid blogging. This is not allowed in free blogs. You can also put any ads you want in your blog. You will earn once readers from your blog clicked ads and the more blogs you have, the more money you earn.
I have not written anything lately so I am just into joining blog contests. Joining blog contests do not only give me a chance to win some money but also to make new friends. I can get tips and advices how to improve my blogging. Blogging was never fun before until I came across these contests. Even I am too late for some, I still find time to make a post and link to them.
If you wanted to make more money, I suggest that you should first invest to have your own domain. Start for a cheap one. Think a niche for your blog that can help others. A good niche attracts more readers. More readers mean more traffic that can lead your blog to have a high page rank.
Keywords are also important for your posts. I have a limit of 5 keywords. I also use some of my keywords either as titles of my posts or anchor texts. And I make sure every post has a related image so that the post will not be boring.
Promote your blog. Try social networking and bookmarking. Fuel up you blog first and check its page rank after a month or two. Then this is the time you start making money. Do not forget to ask help from experts and read more about blogging. How can you blog if you do not read?
My blog is still fresh but I know time will come that I will make money from it. And maybe later, start a new blog. Lots of people are having problems of getting a good job. Well, maybe blogging can be the answer but not everyone knows about it.
Pweng Bee is a self-motivated blogger. Blogging is her world. She blogs about blog contests and joins them. Not all bloggers now about these contests so she is here to help spread the word.
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6 Responses to "Have You Written Anything Lately?"
I never really like to write reviews from smorty or paid reviews sites, their pay out are just too little and not worth writing for.
April 10, 2008 1:49 AM
Anonymous you are right. May I kiss you for your words? I think in same way :)
Paid reviews are ways that you can make extra income with your written skills, i am surely it is nothing wrong writing for money.
April 11, 2008 10:29 AM
To Anonymous... Hello. Well, That's all I can do for now. It helps me enhance my writing skills. I have managed to write two very simple posts for the same advertiser and got paid.
To Samanta... :) Sometimes there are no tasks in Smorty for a very long period. And if there is one, most of them are the same advertisers or the same topic. It made me think that Smorty only gives you opportunities if you are new to the site.
To BlogRights... Yes of course, it depends anyway.At least even for a short period of time, I have earned from them.
And to Etienne... thank you for having me as one of your guest bloggers.
October 31, 2008 8:18 AM
writing paid posts is simply not a good idea. google can penalize u. & ask urself will u visit a blog again if it has lots of useless irrelevant reviews?
December 12, 2008 3:21 AM
@anirban roy: and how is google going to know you do reviews for money? I do reviews my self, but not for money :) for links on other sites of mine :)
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