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$5641 Worth of Cash and Prizes to Be Won With Over 30 Winners!

etienne's wild blog contestThe Contest have officially Started Today, you may Send in your entries now! Over the past 1 year blogging, i have made many social friends whom i have never met in real life yet their sharing spirit among the blog community remains strong and helpful to those who needs a helping hand. The reason why i held this blog bash contest is have lots of fun and also many winners, which is why i came up with three categories for all to win!

I have set my rules pretty straight and forward, if you did not manage to see the post i made earlier, then this is what i have in mind for the three categories in summary and you can participate in all 3 categories, like what i say there is no restricts and bounds to how many prize an individual can win but i will want to play fair for those who have got their written article published on my blog to give others a chance to win the prizes as well. Like i said, it's meant to be a fun and engaging blog contest where everyone wins! What do i need to do to win?

blog bash contest

Writing Project!
All submission are given a chance to walk away with prizes which are random chosen. All entries are taken as guest blog entries and will be walking away with prizes once chosen as a blog post on my blog. Topics should not cover any Sexual contents, Porn, Gambling or illegal stuff. Send in all your entries to or contact me and if your entry is approved and published, you walk away with one of the prizes from the Treasure box but there are only 14 prizes available, so hurry and submit now. It's that simple! All entries are published over the 2 weeks and winners Prizes will be announced on 14th Apr 2008. Please do drop me a small note on your website and your blog description so that i can add it at the bottom of your blog post.

Subscribing To Win!
This is by far the easiest way to win prizes by subscribing through your email, don't worry all emails will not be sold to any 3rd parties or used in any form of illegal transaction, it would be safe to subscribe and win prize from my treasure box. I would be giving away random prizes to winners who , ain't that the easiest way to win some prizes online. Deadline is on 13th Apr 2008 GMT0800.

Talking About It!
Take this contest out of my blog space and talk about it on your blog, let everyone know what this contest is all about. Link to all the sponsors who have contributed in this contest on your post and let me know your entry link through my comment box, email me direct or contact me. I will use a random list to pick the winning entry at the end of the day on 13th Apr 08 GMT 0800H. What is the rule to make this entry count?

Rule no 1 - Link to my Blog Contest on your blog entry which starts on the 21st March 2008.
Rule no 2 - Link to all the sponsors on your blog entry.
Rule no 3 - Make sure Rule 1 and 2 is followed to win my prizes, it's that simple

There are 3 Top prizes that you can walk away by talking about this contest and giving the sponsors a shout. Here are the Top 3 Prizes you can walk away with!

first prize
  1. 1 x Premium Theme License ($250 value)- Adii Wordpress Rockstar
  2. 1 Year Subscription to our new speedy Plan ($93 value)- Top Hosting Center
  3. 1 x Atomic Blogging Package ($197 value)- Alvin Phang Atomic Blogging
  4. 1 x One month 125x125 Banner - Kiwipulse
2nd prize
  1. Free lifelong membership with ABC ($399/Year Value)- AmericasBestCompanies
  2. 1 x License of FruitfulTime TaskManager ($30 Value)- Fruitfultime
  3. $100 worth of Flash Components - FlashLoaded
  4. 1 x One month 125x125 Banner - Kiwipulse
3rd prize
  1. One year Shared Hosting Plan - TVG Hosting
  2. 1 x Atomic Blogging Package ($197 value)- Alvin Phang Atomic Blogging
  3. 1 x Pack of 80 photoshop brushes - Justcreativedesign
  4. 1 x One month 125x125 Banner - Kiwipulse
You can copy the list of sponsors here and have them listed in your blog post, and let me know the link that you have talked about on my comment box, directly email me or contact me.
  1. 1 x Premium Theme License - Adii Wordpress Rockstar
  2. 1 x Single User Revolution Theme License - Brian Gardner
  3. 1 x Premium Theme License - WordpressThemeMarket
  4. $399/year Free lifelong membership with ABC - AmericasBestCompanies
  5. $250 Cash from PepperJamNetwork - PepperJamNetwork (Signup as affiliate To win)
  6. $200 advertising on Bidvertiser - Bidvertiser (Signup as an advertiser to win)
  7. 100 x One Buck Wiki ($2000 value)- One Buck Wiki
  8. 1 Year Subscription to our new Speedy Plan - Top Hosting Center
  9. 1 Year Shared Hosting Plan - TVG Hosting
  10. $100 worth of Flash Components - FlashLoaded
  11. 1 x License of FruitfulTime TaskManager - Fruitfultime
  12. 2 x Atomic Blogging Package - Alvin Phang Atomic Blogging
  13. 1 x Pack of 80 photoshop brushes - Justcreativedesign
  14. 5 x Banner Design - Datmoney
  15. 5 x DIY Ebook - Eggmarketingpr
  16. 5 x The Eating Cereal with a Fork Ebook - Eggmarketingpr
  17. 1 x Internet Marketing Package Ebooks - BooksWealth
  18. 1 x Domain Name(.com,.net,.biz,.org) - YoungMillionaire
  19. 1000 Entrecard credits - DatMoney
  20. 1000 Entrecard credits - Shamoneymaker
  21. 1000 Entrecard credits - Toasteggme
  22. 1000 Entrecard credits - Infodoorway
  23. 1000 Entrecard credits - Etienne Teo
  24. 1000 Entrecard credits - Yimto
  25. $100 cash via Paypal - Ryan Shamus
  26. $50 cash via Paypal - YeePage
  27. $50 cash via Paypal - Shamoneymaker
  28. 1 x Blog Review - Michael
  29. 1 x Blog Review - Infodoorway
  30. 1 x Blog Review - Brandon Hopkins
  31. 1 x Blog Review - Charles Lau
  32. 1 x Seo Review - Darin
  33. 1 x Video Review - Charles Lau
  34. 1 x Blog Consultation - Charles Lau
  35. One Month text link ad - Michael
  36. One Month text link ad - AdesBlog
  37. 3 x One Month 125x125 Banner - Kiwipulse
  38. 1 x Two Months 153 x 124 Banner - Crenk
  39. 1 x Two Months 125x125 Banner - Tyler Cruz
  40. One Month 125x125 Banner - Superbloggingtips
  41. One Month 125x125 Banner - Etienne Teo
  42. One Month 125x125 Banner - Infodoorway
  43. One Month 125x125 Banner - ScriptDebate
  44. One Month 125x125 Banner - Jim Karter
  45. One Month 125x125 Banner - Darin
  46. 5 x Money Reign T-shirt - Zac Johnson Super Affiliate (Got to be US Resident)
I wish you all the best in winning the prizes that are up for grabs! There are many chances to win regardless of who you are. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to win prizes!

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Filed: Contest

36 Responses to "$5641 Worth of Cash and Prizes to Be Won With Over 30 Winners!"

March 21, 2008 11:06 PM

There are now so many attractive contest! I have signed up for your Rss feed and will drop a post soon. Exciting prizes you have there!

Brian Keen

I have subscribed to your Rss Feed! Hope to win some prizes from your list!

miguelpineiro says
March 22, 2008 5:47 AM

I signed up for the feed, and I'll drop a post soon. Thanks!


Signed up your feed and good luck to your contest! Hope i win something.

domin mercier says
March 23, 2008 4:30 AM

Hi Etienne, my post is here:


Good contest!


Sebastiano says
March 23, 2008 6:41 AM

Hi Etienne,

I've written about this contest on my website
/ subscribed to your feed,and soon I'll send you an article to review for guest-post..

Sebastiano ^-^

Etienne Teo says
March 23, 2008 9:59 AM

To all who have submitted their blog entry, i thank you for joining the contest! Hope to see more great entries.


I have subscribed via your email and i will wish i win your prizes! Cheers!

March 23, 2008 5:57 PM

Here is my blog entry:



Rome says
March 23, 2008 6:35 PM

subscribed to your feed via email. :)

March 24, 2008 11:06 AM

i have subscribed!! thanks

March 24, 2008 1:21 PM


bunnybox9 [at] lycos [dot] com

March 24, 2008 4:19 PM

OMG Etienne! There's too many prizes!

I'm busy with graduation requirements but i could subscribe to your feed.. well, lets just see.. the prizes rock!

Etienne Teo says
March 25, 2008 7:00 AM

No problem, I will see your entries ready soon guys, looking forward to that!


Hi Etienne,Naz Here. I have subscribed through your email Rss and look forward to your contest winning prizes, good luck!

Nick says
March 25, 2008 7:06 AM

I like the post. You got yourself a new subscriber! But i'm not buying you a rootbeer! lol, joking - maybe in time :D

zaki blogjer says
March 25, 2008 10:38 AM

I have subscribed your email RSS. Hope I'm the lucky one..

March 25, 2008 11:07 PM

Hi!Here my post about your great contest:
Also mail subscribed.
All the best

Etienne Teo says
March 26, 2008 3:58 AM

Thanks alot about blogging about this contest, i appreciate it!


Signed up and look great on your blog contest!

Richard says
March 27, 2008 12:47 AM

Wow, this is a really awesome contest. I wish I had as many sponsors as you for my contests, how'd you do it?

Drop by my contest sometime and let me know!


Best of luck to you and this contest :)

blogengage says
March 28, 2008 2:20 AM

I went and read your contest and I must say you have some pretty great prizes for the winners.; I’m thinking about joining myself but it’s all about time and the question is, do I have the time… If you want feel free to drop this contest in our forums as well. We have a section for contests!!

Cheers and thanks for sharing!

p.s anyone know why my blogger url I add never works?

Etienne Teo says
March 28, 2008 6:45 AM

where did you add your blogger url which is not working?

MyBlogContest says
March 28, 2008 7:35 AM

It has been post at MyBlogContest.com

Submit and find blog contests, sweepstakes, giveaways and free stuff at MyBlogContest.com

Make Money and Get Free Stuff from blog contest. Visit MyBlogContest.com for more information

WishBoNe says
March 28, 2008 9:51 AM

Hi, have blogged about it here.

FF Contests says
March 30, 2008 10:11 PM

Dear Etienne,

I have blogged and linked to you and all sponsors here:

Thank you so much!

April 1, 2008 4:39 AM

I subscribed by email at thomasthe blogger @ gmail .com

A Contest Blog by valmg says
April 1, 2008 4:51 AM

Great contest and wow have you gotten some great prizes too!
I subscribed to the feed and I blogged about the contest on A Contest Blog at http://acontestblog.com/index.php/2008/etiennes-blog-bash-contest/
Good luck!

April 3, 2008 12:20 PM

Subscribed! Thanks

Pweng Bee says
April 4, 2008 10:27 AM

Hello there! I have subcribed and blog about this contest.


April 7, 2008 10:02 AM

I have subscribed :)

EmmaShireen says
April 7, 2008 11:41 AM

I have subscribed via email and made a post

April 7, 2008 11:41 PM

Great contest Etienne.

Here's my post URL:

April 8, 2008 10:33 PM



Pweng Bee says
April 11, 2008 11:41 AM

Hello again. The contest ends soon but I still managed to make another post on this. Hope this counts. :)

Are You One Of Us?

Free Banner Maker says
May 27, 2009 4:10 AM

So its been a year, so I am just wondering who won the said contest?

Post a Comment

"Comments posted on Etienne Teo are moderated and will be approved only if they are on-topic and not abusive. Please use our contact or comment form for blogging or article related questions You may add your url but please don't spam - Thanks Etienne."

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