How is this possible that both parties make money together?
It is very simple the webmaster will have to buy a particular domain for donkey years and ensure his consumers that his hosting and domain is reliable and it will be here for good so that every single cent we spent would be worth it. You buy a permanent page under a name eg. "Search Engine" for a one time setup fee and remember it's only 1 time that you pay, the sites would allow Google contextual ads to be placed on your page with your contents on Search engine.
If one page is sold for $100 then 10,000 pages would equal $1 million dollars. They make great profit out of selling us pages while you make money by selling your page with google ads. While your profit is not as much as them, look on a long term basis and you will see yourself soon becoming a millionaire as well, so look on a bright side!
The battle of the Wiki's!
I have hand picked 3 of the recent wiki buzz that sells pages to you with a 1 time fee and thus allowing you to make money with Google adsense forever, not only with you be able to monetize your page but you will create awareness for your website or blog so make sure you chose a keyword that you have expertise in.

Buy me at $100 a page!

Crazy people think alike and when Million Dollar Wiki released its doors to everybody with a $100 price tag per page, Many rushed to get one without much hesitation because they are ready to fork out a small amount for a bigger bait!
Total Page Sold: 954 pages already! = $95,400 earned
Highest Viewed Keyword: "Business" with 32,000 Views
Earn Money Through: Google Adsense & Affiliate Products and sell ad spots
Is "Make Money Online" keyword still available?: No and its own by none other than John Chow.
$60 is all i ask for or was it $30?

While Million dollar Wiki is making 100% revenue, buy a page while you donate 50% to the kiva which is a non profit organization which loans money to entrepreneurs in the developing world. In all you do a good deed while you get your page for just $30? WordHugger calls this a micro investments, its like you invest in a pot of black gold waiting for it to grow and make money for you.
Total Page Sold: 53 pages already! = $3180 earned
Highest Viewed Keyword: "Kiva" with 596 Views
Earn Money Through: Google Adsense, Affiliate Products & Auction Ads
Is "Make Money Online" keyword still available?: Yes, it is available (last checked on 24 sept 2007)
$49 a page for a great new start!

A relatively new Wiki site setup to attract the crowd with a low priced page to sell. Knowledge does pays you good money and will PaidWiki i am sure you will receive some good returns from them.
Total Page Sold: 53 pages already! = $686 earned
Highest Viewed Keyword: NIL Stats
Earn Money Through: Google Adsense & Kontera and affiliating through Paidwiki
Is "Make Money Online" keyword still available?: Yes, it is available (last checked on 24 sept 2007)
Choosing the Right Keyword/Niche
It is very important for you to choose the right keyword to talk about because the keyword will be converted in traffic when someone search upon the word. By now everyone should know that content is need in order to receive traffic which will generate into an income for you. Ensuring good flow of traffic reaching your keyword is important so make sure you choose the right word to use and talk about in order to maximize your earnings.
Inter-Link your page with your blog
Its very easy to increase your traffic by twice the amount on your blog. Give a short blurb at your Wiki Page with a link to your blog for more in depth explanation. Once the readers comes to your page, he expects answers so it is a smart way to increase traffic from both side.
Sell it when its hot!
Establish your keyword to great heights and you will be selling this page for more than you paid! It works exactly the same with selling hot domain name, so when it is time to sell, find your buyer and sell it, you will be amazed by the profit you are going to make.
While you decide on the keyword you want to purchase, search how your keyword is doing on the search engines, If there is no demand for this keyword, switch to another niche that you are good at. If you are not out to make money through Wiki, then i suggest you setup one page with the Original Wikipedia, so that you don't waste your money!
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8 Responses to "A battle between the Wiki - Word Wiki vs Paid Wiki vs Million Wiki, Which is the best money making machine?"
September 25, 2007 1:50 AM
I did not like the way this wiki is sold for..its like making money at your will and then letting others for of it themselves earning through google adsense.
September 25, 2007 11:22 AM
This is a way to make money and let you too make money out of the wiki page.
September 25, 2007 11:42 AM
This is interesting, I am still thinking it over.
I might will still buy million dollar wiki, look at the traffic they are getting..
September 25, 2007 3:09 PM
I've bought 4 pages on the Million Dollar Wiki so far, (Babymoon, Sales, Free Translation and Diabetes) ... all are getting lots of hits and the Google Adsense is ticking over nicely ..... the more traffic the more $$$ so it can only improve i say.
September 25, 2007 6:41 PM
It is very truth the more traffic you get the more money!
September 27, 2007 3:47 AM
A nice comparison. Although my site (Wordhugger) is programmed from scratch and is not based on a wiki. You also did not mention that unlike the other sites, my site is 100% search engine optimized, and users have full control over the editing of tags/keywords/titles. =)
I have a few big press releases in the next few days, so I recommend you take a look in a week or two, so you can see the new stats!
Thanks again for this comparison.
September 27, 2007 10:36 AM
no problem, it is always nice to hear from the owner to come clarify things and tell the crowd what other stuff are good for the users.thanks!
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