The most successful bloggers in this world is nevertheless just a human being and all humans would have a set of habits which they will follow to be successful in life, and the code of being a highly effective successful blogger would require to follow the eight steps of habits to becoming one successful blogger.
Blogging on a consistent basis
Like how the old lady with a rod on her hands slowly turn it into a needle and doing the same act every time till she succeeded in getting a piece of rod turn into a tiny needle. Write on a consistent basis. There is nothing wrong with blogging on a daily, weekly or even on a monthly basis, but whatever your blogging schedule is, try to keep it consistent, so that your readers would not get confused.
Putting in a 100% effort on your niche
Once you have addressed a niche that you would like to follow, do it diligently and put in your 100% to work towards that goal. Giving up half way is not what you would want to do, if you intend to give up then i rather you not start, put in a positive mind and you will surely be able to carve out a successful blog.
Setting your sights far ahead
Plan ahead to what you can expect over the next few months with your events, contests or ways of trying to increase your traffic actions which should be brainstormed and action once the iron is hot.
Reading fellow successful blogger's blog
To become a successful blogger, one have to be resourceful and its not always about you in the blogosphere so read other blogs and gain a wealth of information and resources which you may have never came across, 10 brains working together is better than one.
Tagging on other blogs
Learn to return link tags to other bloggers, when you read of a worthy article, make sure you give credit to the author and give a short blurb on why he should be tagged on your blog. In return the author should thank you for your tag and you would have made another friend on the blogosphere.
Interacting with the crowd
Comments given by your audiences should be always taken seriously and a reply back to their comments are a form of respect, whether its a positive or negative comment, it should be taken as a constructive comment.
Leave Comments for others
When you reach another blogger's blog while you read his well composed article, leave him a comment so that he knows of your presence. Commenting on a regular basis lets the blogger appreciate you and a form of bond unites between the 2 of you.
Joining Communities and participate in events
Successful blogger interacts all the time, it can be with his fellow friends or distance mates through communities or even a big convention event. Making sure you join one of the communities or attending an event would be a good way to making new friends and catching the good times with your fellow friends.
Write with confidences
The most effective bloggers normally are not the A+ Students in English but they always write with confidences and this is what you get with being confident in your post, Perfection!
I have written my own 9 habits which i believe many others would have their own opinions, so write a set of 9 or even 10 habits that you have discovered through your blogging experiences, make sure you jot it down and that is when you discover that most of us are actually having the same habits in fact!
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13 Responses to "The Nine Habits of Highly Effective Bloggers"
i have been in social community for sometime, and its increases my traffic much!
August 28, 2007 1:55 AM
Thanks for the blogging tips! i am sure stumbleupon would get you more traffic!
August 28, 2007 12:07 PM
use the social networks to increase your traffic flow.
What about joining blog carnivals, i think its a good habit for the bloggers to join and expose their sites.
September 3, 2007 10:03 AM
September 6, 2007 7:48 PM
Cool tips! Thanks :)
September 9, 2007 3:15 AM
They're obvious and yet so few bloggers actually manage to do it. They'd do well to have this plastered on the wall in front of their desk.
Good to have them all in black and white.
October 2, 2007 2:37 AM
that's a great entry...
I dug a few of your post on your top post and found some tips which provide vital on my blog, thanks!
Hi Etienne. I am using the link love plugin you suggested. I will give you credit for the whole thing in exchange for a link or something. Also tell everyone that if they post ten times or more, the no follow tag is removed from my blog.
The Traffic Blog
December 29, 2008 6:23 PM
Hi Etienne,
I am relatively new to blogging although I'm an expert in Facilities Management and Real Estate. Your advice really helps me to improve my blog! Thanks!
Yours Sincerely,
Steven Hanks
September 9, 2009 5:18 AM
It's true... Nice info, useful for me... :)
March 28, 2010 12:07 PM
I have been blogging for 1 year. I know I have to a consistent basis. I've tried, but it's hard to find nice idea.
BTW, thank U for great tips.
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