Recently I have picked up my traffic again and with my blog bash contest, the traffic i receive does not seem to be lesser than the previous time around. I was puzzled at the drop recently, nothing have been said by the Alexa Team but i will give a random list of blogs that are affected under the screwed-up Alexa Ranking from what i can remember in their previous ranking.
- Problogger - 3797 to 12917
- Shoemoney - 4937 to 19818
- Johnchow - 5679 to 17088
- Dailyblogtips - 14478 to 68649
- CourtneyTuttle - 21019 to 67687
- Yaro Starak - 19581 to 49443
- Andy Beard - 23961 to 90210
- Vandelay Design - 28119 to 130560
- Ian Fernando - 62915 to 146486
- Google Lady - 68757 to 107138
Did your blog suffer from the same results that i have given here? What is Alexa Team Doing recently, i guess they have lost their touch and i am very dissappointed, i will be using compete very soon instead of them.
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10 Responses to "Alexa Just Threw A Bomb On Every Site!"
April 17, 2008 12:34 PM
Whatever happens to Alexa. I think they should explain their side
Alexa did give an announcement on their upgrade, but it seems like a downgrade instead.
April 17, 2008 5:35 PM
Fortunately, it's not happened to me. My Indonesian-languange site, has improved its Alexa ranking: from 350,983 (March 19) to 274.501 as of today. It's improved almost 100,000 a month!
So, what's happen to Alexa?
April 17, 2008 6:48 PM
Apparently, i see an increase in my visitors over the month, but a huge decrease in Alexa rank, i am not going to use alexa for now, instead compete.
April 17, 2008 9:20 PM
Everyone just needs to calm down. The fact that people have experience a so called 'downgrade' and some people an 'upgrade' to their rank is as a result of great traffic data now being added to the statistics.
The point to remember is, that the toolbar is not the only data being used anymore, the statistics will be less skewed therefore. This means that the information pulled from other source is actually including a broad spectrum of visitors, this may result in a downgrade for some because other sites have much greater visitors than your site when other sources of information are taken into consideration.
Prior to this, you may have had a greater percentage of ALEXA TOOLBAR users visiting your blog than another blog did. Now the tables have turned for the better and all the statistics and data will eventually sort itself out.
Just clarifying things,
wow that I did not know - I just got back from adtech and saw my drop hmmmm - thanks for the heads up
- Ian
April 19, 2008 12:09 AM
I noticed that my Alexa ranking dropped by about 10 thousand but it has been dropping a bit at a time so I didn't think anything of it.
I'm glad it didn't go up.
April 19, 2008 11:45 AM
Alexa doesn't have anything bad.
It's just that they now have more sources to make their rank.
That means more sites and obviously a rank change in our sites.
I think this could mean the ranks have more credibility now.
You don't have to be angry because your rank number increased, it's not like you are losing against the other sites, it's just that there are more sites in the rank. It's like another brand new ranking.
My sites suffered the same like this:
site 1: from 28,995 to 47,249
site 2: from 50,xxx to 95,138
Remember it's a ranking from best to worst, they didn't stop counting your rank, they just count more now.
April 20, 2008 1:55 PM
One of my sites jumped from 35,000 to 19,000.. so im not too mad
March 5, 2009 5:18 PM
The journey of Alexa- The Web Information Company has never been a smooth one. Alexa that has been in the scenario almost from the start of the Web had seen immense growth and popularity and then a pretty morbid phase. However, it went back to the drawing board and sketched out new ways to pull back the company to steadiness. Several new innovations and changes have been made to Alexa since the time of its inception partly to stay in sync with the changing times and demands and partly to combat its competitors. As for example, till some time back the popularity of various websites was measured by the data collected from the users of the Alexa toolbar. However, the company went for a change in April 2008. Today other factors, apart from the Alexa toolbar, are also taken into account to determine the popularity and traffic of a given website. However, the point to ponder is that the “other sources” that are determinant of a websites Alexa rankings are not clearly cut out. They are vague and misty. Nevertheless, Alexa is still one of the most credible and powerful players of the web.
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