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Google Ads Collaborate With The Gay Community

I was confused and amused by Google's way of accepting advertisers into their system for publishers to advertise relevant advertisements for relevant contents and keywords. The reason why i am making this post is to urge Google Adsense Team to stop having ads like this on blogs that are totally irrelevant to what my Celebrity blog is talking about.


Firstly, I don't talk about gay knowledge on my celebrity blog and i do not have expertise on that. I am sure those keywords that these advertisers have are somehow related to what i was talking about on my blog which is why it appeared and it's insulting.

Secondly, I am not sure why ads like these are being promoted on blogs and my initial thought was such ads are offensive and should not be accepted by Google. Correct me if i am wrong because that was the reason why i used Adsense in the first place instead of other competitive PPC network.

Anyway if you still see these ads hanging around, I urge you to have them removed from your advertising network because they are offensive on some blogs that do not talk about it. Overall, i am just disappointed with what happened, have such ads ever appeared on your blogs before, what could happen if your kids asked about what "Gay" means?

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Filed: Rumblings

11 Responses to "Google Ads Collaborate With The Gay Community"

Chelle says
April 18, 2008 12:04 PM

I don't find being gay offensive. What bothers me is stuff that labels things...a gay fitness community? i think gay people and straight people should be allowed to exercise in harmony. A person's sexual preference shouldn't be on sites that talk nothing about sex I do agree with that one. I took adsense off my one site, it will probably be coming off my other site soon as well.

April 19, 2008 12:24 PM

I banned the site! you will soon also see sykeseeker!

I banned both to date!

Joanne says
April 19, 2008 2:11 PM

***what could happen if your kids asked about what "Gay" means?***

My children already know what being gay means...and they haven't self destructed yet. lol

Daniel macrus

this was one of the worst ads that i saw in google advertising.


In case you haven't realised celebrity gossip is very much in the interest of most gay people (eg. PerezHilton, most of E! news subscribers), and Adsense directed the ads accordingly. Etienne, you are projecting a very homophobic and intolerant image if a random advertisement on your website can offend you so strongly.

Please be more open-minded.

Derrick M.

Wow Etienne! I came to your site at the recommendation of Mark from ProBloggers Matrix. He wrote an article titled 40 TOP BLOGS THAT WILL TEACH YOU TO BLOG LIKE A PRO. I read the article this morning and picked your site cause I liked the name.

And the first thing I come across is an article on your discomfort about an adsense advertisement aimed at gay people. Man, I'm sorry. Your gripe just sounds pretty homophobic to me. That makes me uncomfortable enough not to back to your blog. And if your children should ever ask you what are gay people, just tell they are people who love each other. Just like the rest of the human beings who love each other on this planet.

Good luck to you bro.



I think Adsense have already gone out of hand with the ads and restrictions are less, while revenue seems to be their main objective~

Justin says
April 28, 2008 4:28 AM

I don't think it's that weird, but it is odd how it appeared even though you didn't contextually mention anything homosexual.

Celebrity Gossips says
July 3, 2009 12:42 AM

Gay ads have no value in my opinion


"what could happen if your kids asked about what 'Gay' means?"

They could learn that some people have two daddies or two mommies instead of one of each.

They could grow up to be a tolerant person instead of a bigot.


Now I know its not "right" that google thinks you're gay, but come on...that last sentence is really homophobic.

tamiya modelkits says
December 30, 2009 5:14 PM

nice , iam very interest with your article

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