The respond for sponsors seems overwhelming here even when there are so many other contests happening around the blog-sphere. Today is Day 2 and here are the sponsors who have given me their prizes which i will compile and package them so that each individual gets a fair share when they win the 3 fun categories i have installed for you guys in my contest.
Let me thank those who have given me their help in making this contest a reality and these are the sponsors from day 2 who responded to my call.
- $100 worth of Flash Components - FlashLoaded
- $250 Cash from PepperJamNetwork - PepperJamNetwork (Sign Up To Win!)
- One month text link ad - AdesBlog
- $50 cash - Shamoneymaker
- One year Shared Hosting Plan - TVG Hosting
- One month 125x125 Banner - ScriptDebate
- One month 125x125 Banner - Darin
- 3 x One month 125x125 Banner - Kiwipulse
- 1 x Two months 125x125 Banner - Tyler Cruz
- 1 x Seo Review - Darin
- Banners
- Ebooks
- Design Stocks
- Video Reviews
- Blog Reviews
- Blog Directories
- Blog Consultation
- Cash via Paypal
- Amazon Vouchers
- T-shirts
- Social media scripts
- Web tools
- Internet Marketing Memberships
- Internet Marketing Training
- Entrecard Credits
- Web Hosting
- Etc Freebies
I am looking forward to day 3 and more sponsors that would surprise me with their prizes, looking forward to a successful contest ahead as i prepare the battle to start this blog bash contest!
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I am waiting for your opening of your contest so that i can submit my articles that i have written, what are the prizes you are giving out?
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