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5 Signs You Are Suffering From Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Most of us who stick religiously on the computer for more than 6 hours daily could suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. A type of repetitive injury from recurrent stress, often associated with the heavy use of computers. Stress in this context refers to an injury by overuse or improper use.

This syndrome can cause psychological symptoms such as obsessive compulsive disorder and low self esteem. What could be the cause of this syndrome that could put so much pressure in our brain and also our wrist? Cutting down on activities that are unnecessary on the internet could well ease the situation of developing that CT syndrome.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

1. Change That Email Syndrome

What you are doing presently: Your inbox is constantly refreshed and once a new message popup, you will answer that email at the lighting pace and await for the return league of the message.

Change habit for a future: Your inbox messages will not run away from you. Develop a whole new habit by checking your emails only at the end of the day, take your time to answer, there is no requirement for you to rush unless it is an urgent mail.

2. Become an addict to Statistic Counters

What you are doing presently: You check your stats several times a day but the reason why you do it, it became unclear why you are doing it since it was your brain who instructed you it is a "must" to check and you obeyed because you feel it is only right to do it.

Change habit for a future: It's been 6 days since i last check my stats and i am not feeling tense or uncomfortable, in fact i feel that i have less things to worry about and i could use the time to write more articles.

3. Checking the Number of Backlinks

What you are doing presently:You have written a "Top 101 List" and you are expecting tons of people linking to your post. is one of the site that provides you with a clear list of blogs that return you a backlink . Returning a thank you message is a good gesture so you stick to the page and refresh it several times daily.

Change habit for a future:Leave all these "thank you for linking to my post" message to weekends if you are that free refreshing several times daily, why not use that time to do research on your next post, so why are you complaining you have no time to research?

4. You are a social Communist

What you are doing presently:After posting your contents on your blog, you rush straight to blogcatalog to answer queries on their discussion board and this can take hours to finish all questions asked.

Change habit for a future:Even if you want attention from the crowd, this is not a good resort to becoming famous overnight, do it on a daily basis and schedule a time line of half an hour and end your discussion.

5. You Carry your laptop for a picnic

What you are doing presently: Is it really necessary to have a laptop when you are spending your time with your family on a weekly picnic?

Change habit for a future: When it comes to spending time with your family, you should take that opportunity to rest your hands, over working them will strain your blog juice level over time.

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Filed: Blogging Tips

2 Responses to "5 Signs You Are Suffering From Carpal Tunnel Syndrome"

Randy Burton

I always check my stats which is a bad habit and thanks for reminding me!


You are right, this is a good post, stumbled!

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