I manage to slowly integrated this concept of building a loyal group of subscribers on my RSS by allowing them to trust me in providing them with good quality post, some of my explosive post i written have already proven it's credibility in feeding only the best to my loyal subscribers and readers.

- Have a large Rss Button which could be seen on the front fold of your blog.
- Place your Rss Button & icons above the front fold.
- Use images on your blog content to promote your feeds.
- Post your contents daily and put in fresh unique topics which makes your readers want to come back for more.
- If your niche is "internet marketing", don't post daily food outings and spoil that niche.
- Offer Full Rss Feed to your subscribers.
- Allow readers to subscribe via email.
- Use to efficiently reduce the number of steps needed to subscribe to your Feed.
- Use social media community like myblog, blogcatalog to spread your message to firt time visitors to subscribe to your feed.
- Write an article on your blog explaining what Rss is and the advantages of subscribing to one's feed.
- Write an article on How to use Rss Feed, not everyone knows what that orange button means.
- Write Interesting Headlines so that readers are instantly attracted to your post.
- At the end of your post, drop a sentence of button that let your readers know they can subscribe to your feed easily following the link.
- Submit your blog’s RSS feed to RSS directories.
- Make your Rss Feed be on auto-discovery on browsers.
- If you have more than 200 subscriber, showoff your feed counter.
- Drop an email to first time commentors with your Rss Feed subscription link.
- You can always add a signature on your email account and automatically every email you reply will be tagged with your Rss Feed.
- Help your fellow bloggers in optimizing their blogs and you might get lucky receiving new subscribers.
- Posting too many articles a day is not advisable, try to spread your work out to a daily basis.
- If your blog design is one year old, it is time to redesign it and it might increase your Rss Readers.
- Create a dedicated landing page for your Rss Subscriptions.
- Create "List-Posting" of top 10 and even 101 best blogging tips.
- Create your first Serial Post on a particular subject.
- Create pillar post which could be on a topic with words of more than 5000.
- Start to write for others and be a guest blogger for another blog which have a bigger Rss Reading list.
- Write for Digg, Stumbleupon and other social media network to boost your traffic number to conver to subscribers.
- Start a simple contest to boost your Rss Readers.
- Offer an Ebook or blueprint report for free when readers subscribe to your feed.
- Participate in related blog carnivals, the more attention you receive from others, the chances of new subscribers becomes higher.
- Start your own podcast station, it is a good way to encourage users to subscribe to your blog.
- Actively respond on the forums, this helps build your reputation on the forum and you might gain new subscribers through respect.
- Use Paid Advertising like Adwords to help boost the traffic to your blog and you might increase your subscribers rate.
- Start guest blogging and send in your Rss feed link to the blog owner to have it published on the post.
- Email those who are unverified on your feed list and tell them they have missed out all the exciting post that you had over the past weeks.
- On your newsletter, promote your Rss Feed and let your readers know how important it is to subscribe.
- Start a Rss Competition between you and another blogger which have fairly the same Rss readers and request for your readers to subscribe to your blog to beat the other blogger.
- What would Seth Godin do Plugin - displays a reminder at the beginning of the first post asking readers to subscribe to your blog’s feed.
- The Subscribe Me Plugin - lets you display chicklets on your blog, so that visitors can subscribe to the feed using their favourite RSS reader.
Subscribe ReminderPlugin - place a reminder under each post, requesting your readers to subscribe.
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6 Responses to "40 Effective Methods To Build Your Loyal Army of RSS Subscribers"
December 17, 2007 7:20 PM
It always good to know more ways to get my readers clicking my subscribe to my rss feed button or link, thanks for the great points.
Giving great content certainly does help but creating great content and asking readers to subscribe is even better. Kinda like closing a sale, you need to ask for action.
blog redesign enable rss subscribers to grow, this i have to agree...Cheers!
the 40 tips were very helpful to me, talk about understanding Rss, i need to read on what it can help me on.
Rss readers really does show how well your blog is.
Thanks for linking me!
June 18, 2008 10:16 PM
With the technology transfer today, you can do almost anything with your blog, but you must have a strong will and determination.
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