This is a list of 14 useful tools which you can use on any blog platforms, regardless you are on wordpress,blogger,livejournal or movepad.
Traffic Counter/Analytics
- - Amung is a real-time traffic analytics widget for your blog. It tells you and your readers how many readers are online at the moment and there are also other functions which allowd you to see where your visitors come from and which page are they reading right now.
Sitemeter - If it is an extensive traffic statistic which you are looking for then sitemeter provides you with Follow-up on latest referrals, entry/exit pages, visitor details, visits/pageviews ratio, and a lot more.
Statcounter - One of my favorite real time traffic analytics which tells me unique visitors, page loaded and also how many returning visitors which also can be converted from numbers to graphs if you need them for comparison.
- One of the best free service traffic analytics which covers also everything you need to know about your blog, from the referral traffic and direct,organic visitors and also which site is providing you with the most traffic. Graphs that are able to tell you more than just visitors which is why it is the most comprehensive traffic analytics which you need.
- BlogRush - This is a very interesting concept of using other blogs to help generate for your real time traffic. The more traffic you gain and give out from the blogrush widget, the higher your number of credits you earn which can be converted into good referral traffic.
Mobile Blog Service
Feedm8 - Having your blog viewed by millions others on their mobile? It is possible now with feedm8 and it is easy to create an account and have your blog seen by many others.[Read on what Feedm8 can offer..]
- Mofuse - It's just so simple nowadays to get your blog on mobile version and mofuse allows you to do that with your Rss Feed address and your blog is on other mobiles who subscribes.
Optimized Ad Network
PubMatic - PubMatic is focused on serving the needs of publishers by providing an industry leading platform that allows publishers to maximize their revenue while simultaneously reducing complexity.It scans multiple ad networks (Google Adsense,casalemedia ValidClick, etc.), penerates into ad performance reports and shows ad units with highest payout and performance. It’s completely free, there are no charges or commissions.
- Rubicon Project - The Rubicon Project is the new online advertising standard that makes it effortless for websites to generate the mad cash they've always dreamed of. And, it’s free to join. [Read on Rubicon Project..]
Miscellous Tools
Zoho Creator/Kontactr/Contactify - All 3 services provides you with an online web contact form function, which you can easily embeded them on your blog.
mybloglog/Blogcatalog/Bumpzee - I am sure you are already in one of these 3 popular social blog community, if you are not then signup to get your free account and mingle around with the crowd.
Madcast/Sharethis/Addthis - All 3 of these services allows your visitors to bookmark your post on various social bookmark sites or they can also link and forward to their emails.
Web2PDF - You can now save my list from a HTML format to PDF and have it printed for your reference over time.
- Entrecard - Entrecard is a social advertising community which is free to use and what you need to do is visit others who have entrecard widget and drop them a note, recevie credits and use them to advertise your banners.[Read on EntreCard..]
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9 Responses to "14 Cool Blog Tools Which Saves Me Time"
December 25, 2007 12:38 PM
It looks as if a whole lot of these services are quite new and unknown to the website community... i better check some of these out!
December 25, 2007 12:52 PM
I have been using a number of them on my blogspot and they seem to be working great! Recommended!
Stumbled and it's another nice list you have.
Some of them were used in the past and they work well but i have found a umber other paid service which are better.
December 26, 2007 11:07 AM
I used and it didn't work for me. It always said no one was there.
December 26, 2007 5:38 PM
They had some problem in the past, but i am sure they have resumed their service and should be working well.
December 26, 2007 6:44 PM
My fave of the year 2007 is Wrike! The tool has bben improved a great deal during the year and now it's of great help with my projects!
That was a nice list of counters available!
July 2, 2008 5:58 PM
A nice list you have there. Thanks for sharing.
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