I have always been a firm believer that success comes with a little sacrifice of your time and commitment to your blog. A new blog can turn successful over night as long as the rules are played correctly.

Image Credit:ekai
Readers love freebies, if you are a talented Wordpress designer,Css provider or even a developer who can create plugins to help bloggers. Share your tools with the crowd and you will be loved by them! You will be the topic of the day and you will love it when thousands of bloggers return you with backlinks to your blog. I see this path as one of the most successful way to build your new blogger profile!
Make Money Online Blog Again? Why not!
Now tell me who is the latest money making blog? You have lost count of who the next upcoming wannabe money making blog is? Tell me what i do not want to know, apparently for every 10 different category blogs created, there are the exact same numbers of 'Make Money Online' Blog created at the same time.
In order to make yourself shine out of the pack, you need to first be a successful experiment in making money online, either in the field of being an eBay Power seller or a Google Adsense master. Being able to make lots of money online is how you can attract more readers to read your blog? Ain't that your purpose visiting money making blogs?

Image Credit:Elephant Rocks
Everyone likes resourceful information and you can find a couple of popular post here that shows you 537 Great Resources to create a web 2.0 blog and 56 Resourceful Blogging Tips . Think like a newbie and ask yourself what they want, is there list after list of innovative information that i can provide on my blog and how successful will it be.Use smashingmagazine as a great guideline, follow their vision and style but don't copy word for word, try to add in a little of your own and make the blog stand out among the rest.
One blog is enough to make you money
Blogger A have 19 blogs in his hands, each day he takes 1 hour to write an article for one blog, that is a total of 19 hours spent and he makes $5000 a month. Blogger B devoted his time on one niche blog and it takes 4 hours to make a post and he makes $5000 a month too. Would you want a life of Blogger A or B? Sometimes devoting your time & effort on one topic is enough to keep your income flowing.
Socialize and Mingle with Bloggers in the same niche
You have posted 10 pillar post filled with exciting contents but your visitors are still low, why is this so? The problem could be because you have not given your contents a chance to be exposed to the larger crowd who are hungry for unique and great post like yours. Make full use of what ,, can do to drive crazy traffic to your blog.
If you find your post worthy of a buzz, why not email your article to bloggers in the same niche and ask for their opinion on your article, make sure they know who you are and they will be watching your blog if you have been constantly providing exciting post.
Be the next Matt Cutt & give Google Insights
First you need to know who Matt Cutt is, secondly you need to know why his resources are regarded as elite information and why everyone hears his voice and thirdly you need to know how to setup a blog like him so that you can provide these sources to the readers who are dying to learn from you. Matt is the head of WebSpam in Google Team and his blog provides many real time information on what Google is going to do next in his words, if you work for somewhere big in silicon valley and leaking out a little content in your own words is fine, why not talk about it?
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2 Responses to "6 Reason How New Bloggers Can Succeed"
I have the idea from you to create another list posting blog. thanks!
I really like your post, every post you made really put me into doing the actions you have set.
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