Warning:This Extensive resource list contain large amount of information and if you are new to blogging, it might take you days to finish setting up and reading all the articles i have here.
What this Guide will Cover:
- Start with reading other blogs
- Choose your Blog Platform
- Choose a Blog Design
- Learn your SEO
- Social Media Marketing
- Forums and Teaching Programs that makes you successful
- Learn Article Bum Marketing
- Cashing in on Direct and Paid Advertisers and Sponsors
Once start off reading other blogs and setup your blogging material before posting your first content to the public, make sure you have already pre-written draft copies so that you can unleash your next few post with a punch over and over again to attract your readers.
- - A blog veteran with many thumping blogging tips.
- DoshDosh - Social media money maker.
- - Copywriting tips for your blog.
Dailyblogtips - Focusing on writing and blog tips.
- Steve Pavlina - Personal development & motivation.
- Yaro Starak - Entrepreneurship in internet business and blogging.
- John Chow - Make $20,000 a month blog income.
Blogging Platform (CMS)
You just got to admit you need a platform that supports content management system for your site/blog.There are so many different blogging platforms that you can choose from. Some are free hosted while others are not; here are some that are worth looking into.
Blogging Designs - Themes/Templates
Blogging is about having contents, but a clean and attractive design makes a lot of difference and tells your reader how serious you are about blogging. You should have your default template redesigned, either get a free template or a premium theme which you have purchased from blog designers. Here i have to present to you another list of extensive themes i found around.
Blogger: Free Templates
- JackBook - Converting Wordpress themes to Blogger template for free.
- FinalSense - A list of Blog Templates meant for bloggers.
- Well designed blogger templates
- Web 2.0 Blogger templates
Mashable List of Blogger Templates - An extensive list of Blogger templates
ThemesViewer - 12 Wordpress Design, Very simple and old school.
Wordpress Theme Free - 1410 themes in their vault and the name says it all, it's all for free!
Comprehensive Wordpress Theme - With over 980 Sites that offer free themes available to you, you are seriously spoiled for a choice.
Template Monster - With Over 390 Premium Themes available, you are spoiled for choices, if you intend to get a well structure theme yet affordable to pay for one.
Unique Blog Designs - Cofounded by Nate Whitehill who is a professional wordpress designer, his work became a hit after Johnchow, Shoemoney and Darin render his service in redesigning their blog.
Adii Designs - Adii bought a review from me last month and even became one of my premium sponsor for a reason, he is out to be successful and you can see why, one of the high rising wordpress designer finds himself producing another string of themes meant for those who likes to look good on their blog!
Brian Gardner - Famous for producing free themes for the user, now releasing a list of revolutionary News Theme which are sure to change the way you look at blogging again.
Directory of Themes
Covers the rest of those not so popularly used themes and templates
What is SEO?
Every blog and site needs SEO to help them rank better to get better organic traffic. All you need is patience and lot of time to discover all the treasures hidden deep within. It explains and teaches you how to use SEO on your blog for better Search engine ranking.
Social Media Marketing
What's the latest way to drive traffic to your blog? If you are still unaware what social media marketing is, then a very good example would be the use of Facebook, Digg and Stumbleupon to marketing your contents to a wider scope of people. I highly recommend these articles to read to know why Social media marketing is so powerful.
- The Five Pillars of Social Media Marketing
Social Media Optimization vs. Social Media Marketing
- 5 Rules of Social Media Optimization (SMO)
- How to Leverage Web 2.0 & Social Media Sites
The Importance of Social Media Marketing
25+ Tips to Perfect your Social Media Marketing Campaigns
Forums are a good place to interact,find new ideas and also build relationship with others. I will also highly recommend 4 programs/ebook which i have found very useful in your blogging career.
Learn What Article Bum Marketing is all about
Bum marketing is a term overly used in the affiliate world. What it means is bumming around not selling your product but writing articles to promote other product and earn a commission.
- Bum marketing - Is it for you?
- How To Make Your First ClickBank Sale
10 Most Powerful Article Marketing Tips
In order to pull in such money making resources you need authority rankings coming from these few places. Advertisers love to see you rank well on competitive sites.
Google Pagerank - Don't be say if you don't see it in your 1st few months of blogging, it takes awhile for the pagerank to update on your blog. The pagerank scale ranks 0-10, the higher the better and the higher you can charge your advertisers.
Alexa Rank - Words spreads that it is one of the most irrelevant ranking you need on your blog but to me i take every ranking seriously and Alexa is one of those direct advertisers love to look at. The lower you rank the better, advertisers always believe that the smaller the number you rank, the more traffic you have but it is a rough estimate.
Technorati Rank - is an authority ranking and another place to boost about how well you rank in front of your blogging peers. Backlinks(Authority Links) and Fave Fans increases the chances of you ranking better on Technorati.
Highest paying keywords List
Google Pagerank Gives Everyone A Little Juice
How To Make Affiliate Marketing Work For You
Create Effective Affiliate Tactics and Increase your Conversion Sales
Optimize your Blog Images on Search Engines
14 Responses to "56 Resourceful Blogging Tips And Tools For The Young & Old"
This is a great post, I have been following your blog recently and I will most probably subscribe to your RSS,
Lots of very useful and informative tips all the time and every time from this blog!
Many thanks,
Fabien of SmallFishBigMoney.Com
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November 3, 2007 8:47 PM
That is a very comprehensive list, and great for anyone looking at getting started in blogging!
November 3, 2007 10:46 PM
Thank you very much for inclusion on your list. It means a lot to me to get recognized for the work that I do. Please do keep up the great work.
Also, I like what you have done with my 'Stay Fresh' template. You have done an excellent job customizing it.
November 4, 2007 1:18 AM
It seems like you made a hint that the 1st of every list is the best =).
November 4, 2007 4:13 PM
It was pure coincidence, but then again all the sites and articles are surely a good read for all.
Yes,it was not easy but i managed to do it.thanks steve
It is a list for those who are starting to get a guideline to start. I hope it helps all.
That was a good list for me to start getting my own seo and blog running..thanks!
November 7, 2007 1:10 PM
Hello Etienne,
I'll be back and back to read through all of this. The very first link I follow on reading other site led to an article on using the post slug on wordpress which I knew nothing about! So your post has all ready paid off big time and I've hardly even started.
Thank You,
November 8, 2007 3:56 AM
Nice list Etienne. I think I pay have told you in a previous comment that I am looking to make a few changes to my blog. There are some resources that you have included in this post that are going to make it that much easier for me.
November 10, 2007 8:45 PM
hey etienne!been busy with my blog.and wow!this is a damn good article and resource.pardon me for the damn but it is that good!
That was a good list
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March 15, 2008 10:23 PM
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September 4, 2008 7:36 AM
Cool blog, my blog is in a smiliar niche but struggling to have time to update it, some useful info here. bookmarked!
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