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The Right Mindset To Make $100 A Day

It is common for everyone to set their target on making $100 a day. Just Imagine yourself making $3,000 in a month's time and how many hours do you need to work for that? If you do it right then it might take you less than 30 mins just to clinch your first deal and make your $100 a day otherwise it might take forever just to reach $100 a month!

There is nothing to lie about on make money online, honesty and perseverance is the key to making more money without scamming others and making a profit out of them not giving them the benefits you promise in the first place. Today I will highlight on 2 money making ways to make you $100 a day.

Affiliate Marketing
There are a number of methods that you can use in order to make your first $100. The easiest way to make $100 is through affiliate marketing, every sales made through a referral link earns you a certain percentage and normally with 2 products sold, your target of $100 in a day just seems so simple and without breaking a sweat.
  1. How to make Affiliate Marketing work for you
  2. Create Effective Affiliate Tactics and Increase your Conversion Sales
  3. 10 Tips for Your Affiliate Program
  4. Targeting Web Hosting Affiliate Market
  5. How to Optimize Affiliate Landing Page in PPC Advertising
Freelance Writing
Remember my article on how you can make money online without spending a dime in the first place? The method i love to use is doing freelance writing. There are many opportunities which i have highlighted within the post and those were some of the ways that got me $55 a day for a lazy writing session in less than 3 hours, I earn $55 in 8 hours when i was still a teenage working as a waiter in a restaurant, what else can i ask for!
  1. The Beginner's Guide To Freelance Writing
  2. 5 Tips for Success in Freelance Writing
  3. 17 Tips To Becoming A Successful Freelance Writer
  4. 101 Ideas to Get More Freelance Work and Generate New Client Leads
  5. 10 Ways to Make a 6-Figure Income as a Freelance Writer

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Filed: Blogging Tips

3 Responses to "The Right Mindset To Make $100 A Day"

November 25, 2007 6:35 AM

Hi Etienne,
Thanks for an interesting post.
I think thats a great target to go for - $100 per day. It's something that you can mentally 'prepare' for and it's 'achievable' - and certainly, the end monthly result is attractive to a blogger.

Are you close to achieving this?

November 25, 2007 9:25 AM

Another interesting post from you Etienne. As NrlNews was saying, I do believe that you can set this goal and achieve it, as it isn't that hard. Of course, you don't have to just wait for those cash to fall from the sky. You have to do a little work, right?

No work, no cash:)

Tiberius Burciu

November 27, 2007 4:00 AM

Hi Etienne,

you actually came to the point, everybody needs his own target or goal. If you have one and permanently work toward it, it´s very likely that you´ll achieve it (even if it´s set high).

I see it by myself everyday, I have my own personal goal in reaching $100 in six month (compared to 100 bucks a day this sounds laughable, I know ;-). If I´ll really reach this goal, I can go a step further, because I know it´s "doable".

Btw, your articles are really nice Etienne! I´ll keep an eye on your blog.

Best Regards (and greetings to my friend Midwest:),

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