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WidgetBucks Turns SlowBucks - Remove Non English Sites and Remove Backlinks But Speeds up loading Time

Widgetbucks have been in the limelight for sometime now, the users are getting tired of their loading speed so they remove, they knew they are out of Google's search engine so they remove the hidden backlinks on the widgets, but why did they exclude Non English Sites using their programs?

The email news spread across all publisher using widgetbucks and the first big improvement that everyone was concern about is the loading speed of the flash widget. The last time i calculated with my stopwatch, it took nearly 5 Seconds to load on offpeak hours and 8 Seconds on peak hours.

It was quite disturbing to see that they speed was that slow and i believe this could be time wasted on making more clicks on your site as readers skip your widgets once it does not load up the claimed attractive shopping ads.How fast is it loading now? HmM...i got it up in less than 3 seconds this time around but i am monitoring closer on my technology blog which i am running my widgetbucks.

Hidden Backlinks caused red card on WidgetBucks
Shoemoney first brought up this article on why google hates widgetbucks so much? Apparently, when you type the keyword widgetbucks, you do not see it's official site on the front page nor the second page. I did not bother to search on, so i presume they have either been banned or penalize by Google because of one thing!

If you were to read the term and condition of the older policies which i doubt you can find it now, they stated this.

"Back-links placed by Mpire in the HTML code must not be removed."

If you are Google, do you feel pissed off when they have hidden backlinks on their
WidgetBucks - Trend Watch - WidgetBucks.com
flash widget? What widgetbucks have done is to try and salvage the whole situation by making sure the new policies takes effect and that every users will change their widget code so that their flash widget will load faster, now is this a motive or what?

Let's presume Widgetbucks team is trying to test how efficient Google was and since they have lost the battle, this was just a way to make their user think they will get a faster loading speed if they were to change the flash widget code and in the mean time removing their backlink experiment which was a failure. Can this be possible, or am i just thinking too much?

Non English Sites Say F*ck you widgetbucks for telling us now!
I pity the non English sites for becoming a guinea pig to widgetbucks, their new policies also states that they will exclude all non English Sites in their program.

As we’ve continued to evaluate impression, click and conversion data during WidgetBucks’ first 3+ weeks, we’ve observed that a majority of non-English language sites are delivering a consistently low conversion rate. With our merchants and advertisers predominantly based in the U.S., this is not a surprising phenomenon. And as an advertising network, we have a responsibility to our merchants to deliver quality traffic that has the highest likelihood of conversion to sale.

What might be the decision to removing non english sites totally out of this program?
  1. Though Non English sites might be making the conversion ads count on a click basis, but the conversion to actually buying of the product is not there and the majority's concern could be the lack of knowledge on English Language.

  2. Most of the advertisers are in English and based in US, so it could be Widgetbucks mistakes to not exclude non English sites in the first place and this is what everyone is crying out on.

I am sure the removal of the backlinks and a change of your coding could have improve the speed and the loading time of your flash widget for now, Is this doing well only for those who are on high speed cable, I have a widget loading on my blog, What is the speed it takes to loading with your Internet Speed and how long does it take to load?

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7 Responses to "WidgetBucks Turns SlowBucks - Remove Non English Sites and Remove Backlinks But Speeds up loading Time"

October 26, 2007 5:13 PM

i am loading at about 4 seconds...it still is long..they need more improvement..

david says
October 27, 2007 2:02 PM

Widgetbucket is trying to get back on Google's good side I guess.

Frank C says
October 27, 2007 11:06 PM

The overall performance of the WidgetBucks program was bad from the load speed to the conversion rate to the reporting. That's why I got rid of them on all my sites about 2 weeks ago.

PMI-001 says
May 2, 2009 2:58 PM

Yes, you are right but it might be difficult for the newbies.

642-812 says
May 2, 2009 3:00 PM

I think its a good guide for the seo professional and they can learn from it.

642-901 says
May 2, 2009 3:00 PM

Interested post.

Buy Backlinks says
June 27, 2009 9:23 PM

Thanks!You made some good points there.
Thanks though, i’m glad some people share good stuff like this! It will greatly help me in my SEO activities.

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