Moreover they are going to increase your affiliate earnings from 2% to 5% and for every new publisher that signs up with auctionads, an instant $25 will be banked into your account for a kick start with auctionads.
What happens to those who have not earned a single cent with auctionads?
Of course auction ads are not leaving you guys out! If you have not made a a single cents from them, they are also bumping to your account $25.
New publishers just need to sign up and they will receive a balance of $25.00 automatically. Please note if you signed up with us previously and have never earned a payout we will bump your current balance to $25 too!
Do note that the minimum amount for payout is raised to $50. You still have to work your way to make that extra $25 to cash out. One way or another it seems to have increased the cash out rate by another $5 since the previous minimum was $20, but it's the incentive you are getting $25 which rubs the additional $5 away! Try AuctionAds get your first sweet $25!
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2 Responses to "Make Instant $25 with Auctionads when you signup!"
I loved your write up and i have signed up as an auctionads publisher, thanks!
I also signup with AA,now my stuff can be on ebay live as well.
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