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A change in blog design and a change in fortune

The Month of August have seen many familiar blogging faces change their skin and why change a blog skin or some prefer to be called as theme or template. There are many answers to why a blogger would want to change his current skin and of course it should always be for a good course. The main thing they change their blog design is to attract traffic.

ProBlogger, John Chow and Carlocab took a step forward and giving their blog a new look. The new look had certainly increase the number of curiosity in the blogosphere, look at the number of backlinks these guys are receiving for a change.
blog change design
Problogger had his reasons of the change to a new blog face lift, he quoted that "I always find a fresh coat of paint can really lift a room, a haircut can improve a mood and a blog redesign can get the creative juices flowing again."

Johnchow is all about making money online and if you are serious in making money online then you would be interesting in why he also did a makeover "The old theme was stuck at $12,500 a month and I wasn’t going to break out of that unless I do a redesign. This is all part of the make money online process. I didn’t do a redesign for the sake of a redesign."

Carlocab changed his blog design without announcing it to the crowd but i believe most of his readers catch his intention of bringing a better and refreshing look from his older skin.

Does blog design really matter?
This was the issue for the month of August, it have brought to many bloggers attention that blog design does matter and to give yourself a more professional look, you need more juice other than just blogging contents, a unique blog design enables your readers to see you from a different aspect and with a more exquisite look, there is bound to be more onlookers to your blog.

Yaro Starak a professional blogger in the blogosphere had something to say about redesigning your blog and why is it important to do a blog redesign if not a simple tweak on your current blog, while it is not the most important aspect but giving a new look with a more diversify design would bring out your professionalism and how you will be look upon in this blogging business.

If what Yaro starak says is true then it would be good that you would consider to audit your blog design and see whether there is a need to change, there are many themes and templates around for free which may require a tweak or two just to make sure it is customized to your requirement or else you can seek for professional help, if you are willing to pay good money for a nicely designed theme. Nate Whitehill recently did a wonderful job by giving JohnChow his new skin lift or visit his unique blog design themes which he makes it affordable for everyone to purchase an exclusive theme starting from $79!

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Filed: Blogging Tips

2 Responses to "A change in blog design and a change in fortune"

Derek Cheng

I agree with what Yara starak had to say, a blog design or a slight change in design is an attraction point to your blog, and its good that you change it once in a while!


If only nate whitehill is to design for free..it would be a busy time for him.

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