There will only be another 2 more 125x125 slots available for the month of Dec since 6 other have already extended their advertising for another month through my experiment promotion.
A total of 8 Advertisers were introduced in November 2007 and i am proud to announce that

Adii Wordpress RockStar Designer was my first premium ad on a 468x60 banner. After doing an extensive review on his blog, he gave me full support by purchasing a adspace for 2 months till Jan 2008!
Adii released a new website that sells unique premium news theme to wordpress users looking for that professional cutting edge that sets you apart from the rest and i must say the price of each theme does not come cheap either but if you are looking to expand and create a name in the blogging community, the money you spend on building a professional image through your blog design deserves more just adding a few plugin that works!
Global Business Network is an online business networking website and also one of the 2 premium sites that bought my 468x60 banner on my blog. GBN allows you to find and exchange business contacts from around the world expanding your business network and also discuss on events that your company have in view for the following month or quarter.
What seems relevant to a blogger over at this website is promoting and selling their direct advertising space, it sounds more like a Business & Event board where you can find new opportunities to further expanding your business empire. They have a group of dedicated crew that can assist you if you are lost in GBN. Did i say that registering an account is free and there is no fee required at the start!
Blogsoc is a social gathering community for bloggers. Doing cross promotion of your blog to another blogger is highly encouraged here. There is a earning scheme that have yet to kick off but it should be pretty soon and i am glad to see the society growing at a constant pace. With more members that you add on your society, chances are you will make more money than others when the monetization effects takes place.
Online Cash Flow was the winner of John Chow's Rss Competition earlier last month where i sponsored a 125x125 banner. Jeremy is successful in making money online and he had tried almost every trick that the internet could offer. His blog unleashes insights on blogging and money tips, i am please to hear another make money online blog that does make money before they talk about what they can do to help other readers.
That College Kid is own by Sydney smith who is 18 years of age and is enrolled in a texas university and have a great interest in technology and design. One of her design website which she owns is sadesign which show case a list of portfolio works she had done. If only i knew her blog when i was doing my high school, then i would have learned a number of tricks that i can use in my schooling days.
Affluent Luxury is a resort and luxury travel website that gives me worldwide information on classy hotel stays and villa package that i can purchase easily through their website. If you are making big money with your blog and decide to pamper yourself a little in a nice villa and open air spa then you are spoiled for choices over at Affluent luxury.
Making Sales Making Money shows you the truth about Home based business opportunities which you can grab through their blog. This is not your typical make money blog which shows you a few money making programs and leaving you to figure out what need to work on the fully maximize the use of the program. Are you ready to get your business opportunities to work for you?
Offer of the Day brings you unique and crazy stuff daily and their offers can come in different shapes and sizes and i must say they are an eccentric website that provides me with some of the craziest things i have heard and seen so far. If they could offer the price and location where i can do a purchase of the crazy stuff, it would surely make me lots of money as an affiliate!
Below i will list a Top 10 articles that were made popular by you readers here.
- 15 Sure Fire Tips To Turn Readers Into Mobsters On Your Blog
- 56 Resourceful Blogging Tips And Tools
- 10 Deceiving Lies So True - Internet Marketing Scam Exposed!
537 Great Resources That Creates Your Professional Web 2.0 Blog
- 21 Punching Tips On Social Media Marketing and Social Media Optimization
How Can I Make Money Without Spending A Dime?
- Write Contents Fit For Only The King!
- How To Stumble Even Without Using The Mouse
- Get Your Secret PageRank 8 Listing For Free!
Instantly Receive 20 Backlinks Immediately!
A new month with new targets to meet and I would like to thank my blog readers and loyal Rss Subscribers for sticking around and giving me valuable comments and replies through my email so that i can enhance both my writing and blog structure. I would like to say November was a pretty successful one and my targets set were mostly achievable so for what i wish for Xmas from Santa Claus is to Gimme More(no Britney Spears please)!!
Technorati Rank hits 16,000 and 1,000 over the expected target so in December i decided to push it to 10,000 and below
Pagerank remains as 3 and i do not wish to see it drop instead i will be looking forward for a 4 or 5 in the next couple of months to go.
Alexa Rank hits the target of 70,000 and it jumped a total of 25,000 in a month. It was achievable since i have a great loyal supporters constantly giving me good backing! I intend to hit a good 55,000 before 2007 wraps up!
Rss Readers took off from 180 to 250 in a month and i am still looking forward to more readers subscribing to my contents. Subscribing to a blog does not cost you a single cent, what could have cost you is not subscribing to a blog that provides you with free vital information that helps you make more money! Why pay $50 for a money making eBook when you can get my direct information updates for free! Will you be part of my 300 targeted Rss subscribers?
My Earnings improved for the month of November and i will not want to give an elaborate report on my income statement since i am only with eBay,Adsense and my Direct advertisers. My experiment paid over and my blog currently have 8 advertisers to be thankful of! Adsense is no longer my 2nd biggest income ever since i kicked off my direct advertisers. My first income driven is through eBay and it's always stayed at the peak, maybe one day my direct advertisers can help me do the breakthrough!
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5 Responses to "It Is Time To Say Thank You!"
December 2, 2007 2:01 AM
Good to see you can get rid of the adsense! I am still very dependent on this...
ClickforNick-Income Nov $1,345.
You must be very fortunate and happy to achieve 10 advertisers.
Yes, i am and grateful to them for supporting me. =)
As the guy from I can say it's been a pleasure working with Etienne on our advertising. Not only does she have a very good blog, but she's also prepared to work with you on placement and look. I can recommend to any advertiser in this space.
congratulation man, you are really great on promoting your direct ad.
how did you do that? could you give us any tips or tricks?
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