If you have the same doubt like me in the past, don't worry you are not alone because most of people who drops a comment or talks about it in a discussion thread on forum do not know what they can end up with talking about why content is king!

Image Credit:athanawat
Yes, Every blog needs traffic juice and it's that boost which gives us readers, subscribers and finally with a good amount of traffic, you get income! Since traffic is so important to your blog, why not drop a longer note and explain how and why content is king in your own words.
I know it's damn annoying to hear others ask how they can be successful in blogging when you can find all ways and methods online. Have you not asked that question before when you just started blogging? So Did anyone answer your questions? Most probably not and the very common answer given was "Content is King" and that is how over the months, new users use the same 3 words on every comment and discussion online which does not elaborate the points and why "content is king".
The Power of Commenting
Darren Rowse was surprised to hear from Caroline Middlebrook's stats that she had 94 referral traffic from problogger.net, amazing Darren could not find a link that directed to her blog in all of his post. Now where did she get that many visitors then? All 94 visitors were directed through her comments made on Problogger. I have came across a number of Caroline's comment and every comment made shows no sign of spamming but a diligent answer to the questions asked by Darren himself.
Make Comments on other blog work for yours.
Pick your favorite 10 blogs you visit and drop them a comment each day. Make sure every comment you make is worth reading and please do not leave a one sentence comment "thanks for the tips!", i am sure it will never direct any referral traffic to your blog. Experimenting is always the key to success, give it a try for a month and see your results with .
My opinions on Content Being King
If you want search engine to love you, then commit yourself in posting more regularly with relevant keywords base on the niche of your blog. There are 4 key pointers i would like to highlight on how you can create contents that is fit for the king.
Getting your Ideas. One of the most troubled part a blogger face is "what should i be writing the next day?" Creating contents that provides unique information on your blog is the key to success. To get more ideas on your next topic, Social Media Sites like , Sphinn, BloggingZoom and questions posed on forum and blogging network(blogcatalog) could well spark off the next topic you can write on.
Research. The longest hours spent on is doing research for your next topic that you are going to write. Unless you are an expert, researching is a must so that you do not provide mis-leading information to your readers. Make sure your facts come from a reliable source , readers will come back for more if you have built a trust within them.
Grammar/Spelling & English. I barely passed my English during my high school days, my teacher told me that i can never be a writer in life because of my poor command in English. I guess her words spurred me to work even harder in improving my English. Grammar and spelling are the number one killer in writing, try your very best to use proper Grammar and always remember to check your spelling after every written post.
Layout of Content. Planning a readable layout for your content is essential. Readers seldom read word for word, instead they scan the layout of your content and jump to the point which catches their eyes. Sector your contents with paragraphs, bullet-list and sub headings, provide a more user friendly layout so that readers can be able to navigate around your post to find what they are looking for.
Always try and instill passion in what you write, make your points stand out and elaborate on pointers which seems unclear. Never try to take a shortcut in life, readers love you because you throw them rich information and that is how you increase your readership to turn into subscribers.
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4 Responses to "Write Contents Fit For Only The King!"
November 5, 2007 7:37 PM
Hi! Your blog is really excellent. It inspires the readers who has that great desire to start a business.
Excellent stuff, i just thought that the tip helped me a lot!
It was a great boosting effect with bloggingzoom too.thanks!
November 10, 2007 8:49 PM
right you are etienne.this is what i always stress.Content content and content.
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