If you are new in stumbleupon then you should start to register for an account and start stumbling others do stumble exchanges with your friends and fellow forum readers. You will notice an immediate surge in traffic at your site and the range can go from 50-3000k visitors on average. This referral traffic can go on and on as long as your site is stumbled by others.
A basic run through of how stumbleupon works
- Stumble sites that your friends have favourite in their list.
- The members will vote whether this website would be a "thumb up" or "thumb down" site.
- The members can do tagging and reviews for the site they find worthy of a buzz.
- The more thumbs up you get the better the chances your site would be viewed among the rest.
1)Why submitting Sites that are worth reading is important
I have submitted my own EtienneTeo dot com and some popular articles to stumbleupon and its great to see i am receiving traffic to my site daily about 200 uniques daily on average and its seriously a good way to gain referral traffic.
It is also good to stumble other sites and give them a review so that they are aware that you have found their site worthy and will return a favor by giving your site a stumble as well. The more reviews and tags the better your traffic gets.
2) Stumble website that link to you
Loren Baker from Search Engine Journal wrote about how to build super links and traffic with StumbleUpon. I would say this is a superb method to build a ton of traffic from another website.
Many are unaware of the power of stumbling others, for example your friend gave a review of your site and in order to magnify this post to all the readers you decided to give a stumble on this post. In return what you are gaining back would be a win win situation for both your friend and yourself, because traffic will reach your friend's site and in return you will also gain a portion of the traffic since your site was reviewed.
3) Form a group of stumblers
A mutal trusting group of stumblers is what you would want to form. A group of 5-10 stumblers would be ideal and you can inter exchanges sites to stumbleupon. Giving a thumbsup, review and tagging would increase your sites mobility up to the buzz stumble rankings.

4) Make sure you include a stumbleupon button
If you have a blog, i would recommend you place a stumbleupon button after your article, so that your readers can stumble the post which they feel it is worth a read.

5) Why tagging and review would be much appreciated than just a thumbs up
When you are requesting for a stumble from your friends, make sure you offer a review and tagging on their site and ask them to return you with also a review and tag, the purpose of this is to allow your site to be found in the different category that is in stumbleupon and the review boost your traffic more than just a thumbs up!
6) Why slower traffic in stumbleupon would be much better than digg's 10,000 visitors
Getting gradually and daily uniques is a good sign your site is improving, but a suddenly 15 minutes of 10,000 visitors can simply cripple your blog. It will slow down your speed of your site and cause readers to leave your blog. Getting adequate amount of traffic from stumbleupon can ensure maxmium reading capacity for your visitors and they can navigate your site at a faster loading speed and also you will not miss out your loyal readers.
7) Add as many stumble friends as possible
This is not really rationalize as to whether it will improve your rankings in stumbleupon but it is rumored to give authority and improve your rankings. Anyway it is a good way to get to know more friends and remember to review their ! If you add me and review me, i will review you back!
8) Improve your site loading speed and receive more traffic
The best tool to check on your referral traffic would have to be because its tell you exactly how much traffic you are receiving from stumbleupon and how long does the user stay on your blog, most of the time at least 1 minute in average, but if your sites loads longer than 12 seconds than chances are less than 20 seconds they will leave.
To avoid such a thing from happening you can remove all iframes and flash material in your blog, avoid the use of javascripts and external files that will take time to load in your blog.
9) Increase readership using your RSS feed subscriptions
While many are just interested in increasing your traffic, they miss out the chances of increasing their readership. Place welcome messages on the top of your blog or even a big RSS button which allow your readers to subscribe to free and updated articles you post daily!
10) Go to forums and exchange your profile and site
Visit forums like DigitalPoint and exchange profile and site stumbles with other forumers. A very good way to increase your ranking.
11) Increase your stumble chances with other 3rd party exchanges
One way to increase your stumbles rates is to join exchange community and both stumbleXchange and SueXchange will allow you to exchange stumbles among the community. While this will be a fast way to exchange your blog, it had seem to died down and since it is violating stumbleupon's TOS. Direct and networking exchanges is more adviseable.

12) Start a "stumble my site" contest
One of the best way is to award your stumblers with cash or prizes and the terms to join this contest is so easy, stumble my blog and win prizes.
13) Ensure viewers are catching a the idea of your blog
Humans love interesting articles which can attract them to continue reading, so make sure your site that have been stumbled is worth a glance at first sight, Make sure contents are intact at the your front page that does not require visitors to scroll down for an informative article. The more visable your articles are, the higher the chances are for the visitor to continue reading.
14) Offer goodies to attract your stumblers to stay longer
One of the best way to keep your visitors at your blog is to offer goodies, like an eBook, a plugin,tools that can help their blog, basically something helpful or free! It would let the visitor to navigate more and stay longer at your blog.
15) Attract stumblers to stay longer at your site
Give your blog a new look, redesign it and don't just stick to default templates that are given to you. Take a step further and change them, give a more professional look, you can always engage Nate Whitehill who have done a tremendous job in redesign, seek his professional help at unique blog designs.
16) Linking stumbleupon to Facebook,myspace,blogger
Link your stumbleupon profile to everywhere,create awareness and promote stumbleupon in many ways. But make sure you don't spam your profile!
17) Check out Buzz Stumbleupon to get the niche target for stumblers
This is like the place you would want your blog to be, its randomly choosen but only the most popular sites will be able to sit on this list. How to get there? I see on average every stumbler that is feature had 300+ pages fave at least and had around 10 reviews on the articles that was stumbled. I may not know how to get there, but all i know is the more i get reviewed the higher my chances are.
18) Join the community and be a samaritan
Offer your help and stumble others in your communities, get them to give you a review in exchange for the effort you have placed, it works both ways.
19) Stumble others and give them a tinker
While you can do a random review on other stumblers, remember to give them a message and tell them you have came across a great site of theirs and they could check out your blog. Do not ask them to give you a thumb up straight away, but allow them an option to check out your blog and whether a thumbs up or down it will be up to them.
20) Look for active stumblers to friend with
This may sound a little biase but its the fact, if they stumblers are not active then your overall ranking will be low. According to Terence Chang in his article "The no magic facts of building traffic"
The stumbler who stumble you need to have higher score to carry more weight to the page.
How does the score calculated? The stumbler have more than 1000 reviews and have more than 200 fans will be consider high score stumbler. According to StumbleUpOn, you can have up to 200-250 mutual friends. The rest will be your fans. The stumbler should also be a very active stumbler in the communities and forums. More active you are the higher score you will have.
21) Run a StumbleUpon Advertising Campaign For Your Blog
Want to see faster results, traffic surging to your blog. Start a stumbleupon advertising Campaign. It is a easy and relatively cheap way to get started. The cost is 5 cents per impression so for as little as $5 you can have 100 SU users see your page. Problogger actually gave a comprehensive article which teaches you the way on how you can better do for your advertising campaign.
22) Looking out for stumblers that have the same category of interest
Looking for the same group of people with the same interest would better chances of stumbles for you. I love blogging on making money online, so i should look for bloggers who are also interested in money making, its like if you love to play basketball, you will go to a basketball court to look for people who loves basketball as well right?
23) Inviting your fellow friends to join stumbleupon and ask to stumble your blog as the first!
Give an invite call to your friends to stumbleupon and ask them to experiment stumbling with your blog and ask them to review them as well. A easy way to gain more reviews for your profile.
24) Write about an article on stumbleupon and have it stumbled by others
If you write on ways to improve stumbles, then you will be sure to receive more targeted traffic to your blog, since everyone is interested in how they can increase their chances of getting stumbled and be in the top ranking!
25) Monetizing your site with everything you got
While stumbleupon does not teach you how to make money with them, there are certain ways that you can try and monetize your site before you get them to be stumbled.
Make money with impression - it is one of the easiest way to make money, for every visit you are paid and though the money you earn per impression is not much, imagine you have 3000 visitors/day and you are earning money from impression so why not.
Submit your videos - Upload your personal videos to revver which allows you to make money and while you stumble your videos, you will receive not only traffic but also extra earnings.
Share your pictures - If you are running a photo blog, have your photos uploaded to shareapic, where you can earn money for every picture viewed! Stumbling your photos are the best way to gaining massive traffic and also to earn money for every picture viewed. If you do not have an account, you can join me at shareapic, and start sharing while earning.
Last but not least get the , many people ask whether are these toolbar with 3rd party spyware, from what i know, they do not have any 3rd party advertising nor spyware within.
2 ways that you can achieve this by using firefox addons or getting it direct from stumbleupon

There are 25 ways which i can figure out here to improve rankings and gain massive traffic to your blog. Some may work well for you and some may not, but everyone will surely agree that stumbleupon is indeed one a great linking tool. Exposure of your blog is brought to another level through stumbling.Remember to stumble the blogs you like, it is a great way to expose them to the crowd.
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There are 25 ways which i can figure out here to improve rankings and gain massive traffic to your blog. Some may work well for you and some may not, but everyone will surely agree that stumbleupon is indeed one a great linking tool. Exposure of your blog is brought to another level through stumbling.Remember to stumble the blogs you like, it is a great way to expose them to the crowd.
Have fun stumbling!!
Update: Download my 14 page free report - what stumbleupon never told you!
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55 Responses to "The Comprehensive Secrets to Receiving Massive Traffic from Stumbling"
This is a great informative post on stumbleupon!
thanks for your tips on how to improve traffic! have stumbled your site!
Wow your 25 ways is a great tip,thanks for everything!
September 6, 2007 2:54 PM
that was killer mate... 25 ways to stumble.. didn kno many of em honestly..
September 7, 2007 1:38 PM
Excellent post that makes stumble easier to understand from a blogger's point of view. Thank you. ;)
September 8, 2007 6:11 AM
I'd love to read the article but... it jumps almost immediately to the comment page. What's with that?
September 8, 2007 10:30 AM
there have been some problem with this comment form, i have resolved it, sorry for the immediate jump, let me know if that happens again.
thanks beth!
September 12, 2007 5:03 AM
That was an outstanding article. StumbleUpon is a very mysterious animal. No one seems to really understand how it works. This is a great tutorial.
September 13, 2007 5:36 AM
This is great advice. So great I had to stumble this post. You deserve a lot of respect as a young man with what seems to be a wealth of experience. I look forward to more insightful posts from you.
September 13, 2007 8:12 AM
Thank you for your kind comments, i am much motivated to write even more with such comments given..thanks!
September 19, 2007 7:39 PM
Very good post. I have been doing some of what you suggested, but not all of it. Very comprehensive. Thanks.
September 19, 2007 11:53 PM
And what do you know... I stumbled here :) thumbs up!
Is there a way to have your site removed from StumbleUpon, or get in contact with someone from StumbleUpon aside from the feedback form?
September 27, 2007 6:13 PM
unforunately there is no way you can remove your site manually or be removed from stumbleupon, so your profile will be still in their archive, the feedback form should work with their staff.
November 15, 2007 3:10 AM
This was a very interesting read and I will try a few of the tips
This is the first time i am here and you have brought many good pointers! Stumbled!
February 2, 2008 1:44 AM
wow, this is great idea, thanx in advance, keep writing =)
March 6, 2008 1:50 AM
A good way to jump start your submission is using an aggregator site like StumbleUdon or Piqq.
April 6, 2008 12:06 PM
What do you know... I stumbled here =) Kudos!
June 20, 2008 4:57 AM
You guys should be wary about having other people Stumble your site. If you get a group of friends to Stumble a site within a short period of time close to it's submission, you'll have reduced traffic to that site.
July 24, 2008 4:21 PM
I don't think I have seen an article as precise as this anywhere regarding Stumble Upon, fantastic read, thanks for sharing! I have learn't alot from this article!
October 9, 2008 6:54 AM
all good but don't forget Stumble actually doesn't allow you to solicit stumbles - which is stupid - and may be incorrect - I am simply regurgitating heresay. Great article!
October 27, 2008 7:34 AM
What you're saying is right on. StumbleUpon has been a great source of traffic for me thus far.
I like your idea of a stumble-me contest. I will try that this coming month.
January 26, 2009 2:56 AM
you right to post it. thanks.
March 18, 2009 5:21 AM
Wow - a very comprehensive set of techniques for a very under-rated service. Stumbleupon beats Digg every time in my book. Too many people are gaming Digg - it's not worth the effort. Thanks for the post!
March 24, 2009 3:04 PM
This is a site i have ignored joining for a long time. After reading your post i am convinced of joining. Thanks!
April 30, 2009 4:00 PM
Wow - a very comprehensive set of techniques for a very new york escort under-rated service. Stumbleupon beats Digg every time in my book. Too many people are new york escort gaming Digg - it's not worth the effort. Thanks for the post!
May 10, 2009 4:40 PM
great way for get masiv traffic
May 18, 2009 8:31 PM
Cheers! I knew a little bit about stumling but not enough to make any use of it.... now I can xD
July 7, 2009 6:27 AM
Thanks for the guide!
I'd used stubble a little bit and even got traffic from it, but I haven't been using it anywhere near it's full potential...
I think this blog post is going to get "favorited"!
July 21, 2009 5:22 PM
As usual Great Idea.You write real sense man. Good Keep it up.
July 21, 2009 5:54 PM
Yes stumble upon is a very powerful tool especially for new bloggers wanting to develop communities.
August 28, 2009 10:37 AM
Thanks for sharing this great information.
September 6, 2009 10:10 AM
Great information and great list.
Stumbleupon is one option but of course there are others.
Social bookmarking works for generating traffic to your website or blog.
October 1, 2009 9:01 AM
Well, why i didn't think about that. Thanks to remind me with your post. of course, StumbleUpon is for my traffic. Thanks
October 13, 2009 6:19 AM
Well explained I have always wondered how StubleUpon worked, now that I know I will join for shure.
October 26, 2009 12:21 AM
Excellent post
October 26, 2009 11:15 PM
I can here the new knowledge.
Thanks for the great reference post.
November 5, 2009 8:20 AM
lol, the stumble my site contest sounds like an interesting thing to implant, thanks for the info
December 2, 2009 10:11 PM
Hi there! Thanks for your post and comments! I liked )
December 8, 2009 12:52 AM
please give us more lessons about how to get traffics from SE..
Thank's.. i need your tutor
December 17, 2009 3:53 PM
Thanks for this little lecture you have shared. It was fun reading it and at the same time I really acquired some information about stumble
December 18, 2009 12:10 AM
Yes stumbleupon is one great social networking sites, I use it for gaining traffic.
January 5, 2010 1:24 PM
nice write up.
January 21, 2010 2:58 AM
good to know there is an alternative to digg potentially destroying your site...
February 2, 2010 12:50 PM
very useful post. thanks for sharing such a nice tips
February 3, 2010 8:34 PM
Stumbling does not work for me.
February 12, 2010 2:05 AM
I am happy to read your blog and admit the webmaster has done a very good job by putting all the information content at one place. I'd like to recommend it with reference to my website http://www.pctechoutlet.com
March 9, 2010 11:55 AM
wow your 25 ways is a great tip,thanks for everything!
March 11, 2010 5:11 PM
This is great advice. That was outstanding article
March 11, 2010 6:47 PM
This is a great informative post!!!
March 31, 2010 3:07 AM
Great advice. Very useful for those of us creating good content and looking to get more traffic. I guess I'll give StumbleUpon a look. Cheers!
April 2, 2010 3:40 AM
I have resolved it, sorry for the immediate jump, let me know if that happens again.
April 6, 2010 3:31 AM
Yes,i belive this is okay
April 16, 2010 2:10 AM
Great information... even if you fail at bringing traffic from StumbleUpon... you still get to have your back link which will improve your SEO ranking.
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