Now what are the ideas that have been running in your mind during this split second to create massive backlinks from your counterpart? Have you used the methods as an experiment? If you have not then it is time you action your experiment and see whether it will work or not.
What is linkbait?
Matt cutts had a pretty detailed explanation on the difference between linkbait and linkbaiting, to put it in simple terms Linkbait is worthy news that should be passed on to read, while linkbaiting is just controversial ideas that hardly maintains credible over the long run.
Here are my suggestions to get your blog on the run with linkbait.
Compile a list of things. It can be a cool list of extensions, wordpress plugins or even list of '10 ways to freedom') .
Create a plugin that helps bloggers work better on their platform that they are using. Like a plugin for spam control, which every blogger needs.
Make an ebook that sells for free. was distributing his latest 'Teaching sells' ebook and audio mp3 for free.
Start a contest full of prizes to win. Laid down the simple rules of linking back and you can win the prizes. This can improve both your Technorati Authority and your Google Pagerank.
Create a tutorial guide that can help your readers make money, Zac Johnson produce one of his finest post on PPC marketing, one of the most comprehensive guide i have seen so far.
Helpful Tools. Web Surfers are always very thankful of web tools that can help them rank better, make more money and make their life much convenient.
Create a Quiz. SEOmoz setup a Quiz for everyone to test their knowledge on SEO and the 75 questions were not simple after all. A quiz with challenging questions is worth a link or 2.
Most of the time, linkbait is thought to be easy because funny pictures and humorous videos are always being tagged and sometimes the spelling and grammar is hardly correct but they are still tagged by many sites and even social media which sends them ton of traffic, is linkbait really that hard?
Linkbait is Hard
You have created a 30 mins video tutorial which took you almost 20 hours to create that short video but no one links back to you thus you think linkbait is hard.
In my opinions there is no easy or hard ways in linkbait, but just how your content stands out in front of your readers. Create good, compelling content that readers can find value in some ways. Put yourself in a reader's shoe, if you are not impress to even link your own content then what makes you think your readers will drop you a note and link to your website. Good Luck!
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4 Responses to "Linkbait Linkbait Linkbait - Techniques on Linkbait"
That is another great list you have, stumbled it!
October 24, 2007 7:41 AM
Those are some great linkbaiting techniques. Is it hard to create a quiz?
October 24, 2007 9:55 AM
Hi david, it is not really that easy, you need time and knowledge to create a quiz of your niche.It is best to host your quiz on a domain of its own.
November 24, 2007 12:51 AM
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