I am keeping my fingers cross because i do admire Mr John's courage to take on Shoe in the battle of the Rss Feed. Ever since the start of this challenge, both guys hit an additional 1000 Rss Readers. The current Rss Reader shows that Mr Shoe is still in a clear lead of more than 2,000 readers, if the Hare and Tortoise Story is true then let's hope Mr John would come back with more of his supporters subscribing to his feed.
Why subscribe to his Feed?
- If you are a person who hates ads on a blog, then subscribing to his feed would only show all his texts, so it is pretty clear cut and not cluttered.
- Whenever he updates on his blog, you are the first person to know of the update via email.
- He holds secrets contest in his Rss Feed, so you might miss a chance to win his prizes, one sneaky bastard!
For this challenge, Mr John is ready to give it all out and throw in some great prizes for his supporters to walk away with. One of the sponsored prize comes from me, its a humble 125 x 125 banner spot valued at $15 dollars, the prize is not big but it's for the fun.
Help John Chow beat Shoemoney in their RSS competition. John is offering some great prizes for people signing up to his . Shoe is offering nothing so go John!
The other major sponsors that were involved in this $1,800 prizes and money are:
- Three Domino’s Pizza (value $30) by The Geek Boys
- $50 of cold hard cash by Preblogging.com
- Two books (The Search and Wikinomics) by Piggy Bank Pie
- A free review (value $80) by CashQuests
- One hour of free blog consultation (value $60) by Blog Lounder
- Two $25 Barnes & Noble gift cards by Shaun Carter
- $144 webhosting package from Tribune Hosting
- Two text links and a review (value $50) by Online Cash Flow
- Five 1000 directory submission packages (value $550) by SEO Next
- A Complete Wordpress Design (Valued $750) by Adriann Pienaar of Adii
Like i said this sneaky man here who earns $20,000 in his recent monthly report is going to give out the prizes secretly and only by subscribing then will you know the updates and progress of the contest!
Donation to UGM coming from me
Like i said i have made my mind to sponsor one 125 x 125 banner to Mr John and also doing charity work far from where Canada is from my homeland. I have never to Canada before and if i even have the chance to be there, these dot com moguls would be the first i would visit, but i was pretty touch by what the group of gorilla eaters did, instead of spending $60 on their hamburgers, they made a trip for free food at Union Gospel Mission. Well, i can't say much for the dot com Mogul who earns more than me and requires to eat free Lunch.
Want to be shining in John Chow's site, then make your donation to UGM
I will personally match every dollar donated by the John Chow dot Com community up to a maximum of $1000.00. Simply make a donation at UGM’s online donation page, then email me a copy of the email receipt. Feel free to leave a comment about your donation as well. All readers making donations will be recognized in a blog post this Friday. If you have a website or blog, I will link to it.
I guess they did make sure the $60 spent on the burger would go to UGM instead, I made a donation to feed 10 people at CAD$25.90 and after conversion to Singapore Dollars, its a good $40.50 which could well buy me 20 packets of Chicken Rice here but it's part of a donation so let my adsense earnings be part of this.

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4 Responses to "Will John be able to Wear the Shoe?"
i strongly support shoe!!! sorry john, you just got to go down!
October 5, 2007 9:22 PM
i just love competions. i don`t care how wins, but this idea drives a lot of traffic to both of the blogs.
October 6, 2007 3:11 AM
Please let me know if you do not my email regarding some copyright infringements.
I am waiting a reply.
Daniel Scocco
October 6, 2007 11:27 AM
i guess shoe will win, with 2,000 readers, john is hard to catch!
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