Registering the program requires you to have a 125x125 banner ready, your description of your blog and you can have your account setup in no time to gain some credits! Remember that Entrecard only accepts English blog, other languages are not accepted here.
You will be brought forward to your dashboard where you can see your statistic on how much credit you have earned and used to purchase advertisements. It is amazing how a free advertising site like entrecard have a comprehensive guide to teach you how you can make credits from visiting other bloggers and also how you are able to purchase ads so that your banner will appear in other widgets.

One of the easiest way of making 100 credits is to visit 100 blogs in one day, visit those who are your targeted niche and in the midst of visiting them, you can always read their latest post and also drop a comment to let them know of your presences, it is rude to just click on the 'drop yours' button and leave the blog without even viewing the contents, at times many other bloggers might have something unique which could trigger an idea on your next post, why not appreciate them and let them show you the things you might not know of.
Entrecard is more targeted than Blogrush
I have received 78 referral traffic through Entrecard and without even promoting on my blog, blogrush don't even give me more than 5 referral in weeks hence i feel that Entrecard did serve it's purpose in creating traffic to flow between you and another blogger. My advice is to start Entrecard early and make your credits work for you.
Why pay $500 on John Chow?
A 125x125 rotating banner cost $500 per month on John chow, why not use Entrecard and gain
2760 credits to advertise for 30 days otherwise 92 credits/day. One day i might just have my banner up for a few days but like me i am 'spot full' on my first day with just 14 credits/day and you can be on my blog, why not!
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9 Responses to "Entrecard Gives You Amazing Referral Traffic!"
i agree with you that this is one of the best program to get referral traffic and blogrush just sucks.
nice. i'll try this soon.
btw. have you received my email man? i am waiting for your answer yes or no :) thanks
Hi jack,
i guess i have responded to your call, let me know again..cheers!
Eekk! I'd better not be rude ;) It's not just the referrals it's the team work that really gives the traffic, Mine has increased 1000% in a week!
It was an astonishing result i get from using entrecard! Like colin, i was given more results.
THANKS for mentoning man gotta give it a try
December 4, 2007 2:47 AM
Hmm I never thought about it like that, honestly that blogrush thing doesnt give much traffic, it just slows down my website more than it helps...
ClickforNick -Hewitt's Bikini Pics
December 4, 2007 6:09 AM
Thanks for the tip, Etienne. I've just signed up and dropped you my card:) See, I'm not rude, I left you a comment;)
Tiberius Burciu
Alexa ranking has its own significance in the ranking position of website in the search engines. The ranking in Alexa.com serves as a criteria for the Webmasters, advertisers and ad networks as a gauge to determine the worth of a link on your website. If one depends on link or site selling as a form of monetization one will definitely want to increase their Alexa rank because it’ll increase bargaining power when it comes to ad pricing. Here we are taking into account the ranking of Social media. Social media is an Internet media that allow people to interact in some way. Social media can take many different forms, including Internet Forums, message boards, weblogs, wikis, podcasts, pictures and video. The basic services provided by these sites are interactive connections. The 10 social media sites stated below are ranked high in Alexa.com. These are:-
2. Microsoft Network
6. Orkut
8. Hi5
Like Orkut.com is the online social networking services operated by Google. Here people come into contact with each other and build up relations whether personal or business.
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