I am sure it will be very useful for those who intends to add a little more colour to their blog design and instead of engaging a designer which might cost you $500 for a theme, why not do-it-yourself, I am sure it's not a wise of time since you will be learning another skill.

4_EveR_YounG via Doshdosh
131 Ultimate Web 2.0 Layer Styles
Adobe Photoshop is one of my favorite editing program that i use daily to cut and create new graphics. So in order to create a web 2.0 badge or navigation bar, i need a template that i can use to easily blend my colour without adjusting it myself, now Deziner released it's ultimate web 2.0 layer styles for free with over 131 layers and gradients which you can choose from to create a more beautiful logo of your choice. Have you downloaded and installed it in your own photoshop?

7 Clutch Free Tools For Budding Web 2.0 Developers and Designers
I found this resource list particularly useful for those who are developers especially, though pack with only 7 tips but the i am sure i have learned something out of it since i am not an expert on this topic but it's worth a read.
25 Web 2.0 Headlines Formulas
Like what skellie said, "Headlines can make or break a story. With thousands of different articles vying for our attention, web users can afford to be picky. The ascendancy of the headline has been one aspect of Web 2.0 culture which hasn’t received the attention it deserves." Do you guys agree on this point?
51 Web 2.0 Rss Button & Icons
Kenneth Foo let his graphics do the talking over at his giant resource list where he found 51 unique Rss Buttons and Icons, I just thought it would be much better if everyone of the buttons found can be accompanied with a .PSD file so that i can edit it's colour and etc.
99 Web 2.0 Designs
Vandelaydesign had done it again! This is a nice collection of 99 resources on designing your dream web 2.0 site. I had to say the background stripes maker was what i need for my

100 Web 2.0 Online Generators
A list of online generators for tool tip, graphics and image, favicon, flash, css and color. Now a days designing an image and creating a favicon does not require more than 5 steps to finish and you do not need to waste time on cutting and editing the image since it is already generated for you, change the colours and required specifications and you are done!
68 Web 2.0 Designing Tutorials

For those who are requesting to have tutorial guides and aids to do it yourself so that you are able to make minor adjustments to the final results, now you can have it done your way with 60 designing tutorials teaching you step by step on how to create your own web 2.0 logos,software cover for your next software project, glassy look buttons and etc.. A worthwhile site to bookmark on.
54 Css Web 2.0 Design ideas
If you are a Webmaster or Blog designer, these 54 Css Design can assist in inspiring you with more ideas on creating your next 2.0 theme.

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10 Responses to "537 Great Resources That Creates Your Professional Web 2.0 Blog"
Thanks for the list! I appreciate it alot,i like it a lot!
November 16, 2007 7:01 PM
That is an exhaustive list! thanks!
November 16, 2007 9:03 PM
I was thankful that you recommend the layer styles to me, thanks!
November 17, 2007 10:11 AM
I am just thankful, you are bringing list after list of resources, great stuff!
You gave me some inspiration on my css setup, thanks!
November 20, 2007 1:14 PM
Great list of resources Etienne. Appreciate it. =)
Alvin Huang
November 23, 2007 4:12 AM
Excellent list of web 2.0.
I thank you for it.
I am working on a project which this came handy and thanks for the links.
Some good and some bad.
This reminds me of a concept I once heard called 'meatball sundae', which is what happens when too many good ideas are taken and put together ;)
But I'm being mean. Some of these look great. Have you treid the ultimate web 2.0 name generator?
Great for coming up with 'the name'. Also, a good read for those of you looking to break into web 2.0 from a business perspective might like to read 'Scientific Advertising' (sorry I don't have a link) and this post on long-tail marketing and user driven content -
Love the image of the 'web 2.0 city' btw. Do you know who made it?
March 15, 2010 4:46 AM
Nice post to think over!
Thanks for publishing useful information!
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