My name is Etienne Teo, and i have been living in Singapore since birth and now at the age of 24 years old, I have been experimenting on money making opportunities since Jan 2007 when i set my eyes on eBay as a source of fun money making experiences and i got serious when i started my money blog in early Feb 2007.

Why I started Blogging on Money?
I started to gain interest in expanding my experiment by setting up a blog which i intend to share my money making journey. My blog allows web surfers to learn what are the ways they can use to monetize their own website and blog. I am a firm believer that as long as you are focus on one route, you will one day succeed through the journey of the route you take.
Then Why am i not making any?
Make Money Online Blogs don't just give you step-by-step guide to make money but also great insights on how you can use different opportunities to help expand your ways of making money and learning how to optimize them to help double your profit, never lay all your eggs in one nest. Did i say i don't make money? I am lying, you know that!
What can I benefit then?
Success depends on you! I am sure you have heard it before, so what can you benefit through reading my blog? You are reading my content because it allows you to understand how it money making programs work and my tips are the fastest way to get around instead of reading it's lengthy FAQ and Glossary that does not give you tips to optimize their program on your site. I am sure you have taken more benefits from my resources over at Etienne Teo blog.
What is your Biggest Breakthrough?
My biggest breakthrough is making money online.(That's it!)
What are your Mission and Vision Statement?
Do i have to use such statements to give you a more professional look on a blog? My mission statement is to help as many people make money online.
My Vision is to make more and more money and reach my dream five figures monthly earning and commit my life to internet marketing.
Continue to support my blog and comment when you have questions or praises for my articles, You can always subscribe to my and enjoy the newest article in your email delivery to you once i update my blog! You may if you want to do a collaboration Projects,guest blogging, advertising options on my blog, which i gladly want to hear from you!
16 Responses to "About"
August 10, 2007 2:27 AM
Hey john, thanks! You do have your way of making money, learned quite a bit thanks, though for survey, its not my type, i have even joined them, and they don't give the best return, most for US based.
August 18, 2007 3:00 PM
Well as the internet is growing, the list genuine online opportunities is also growing. Online money making is now easy. If you choose the right opportunities and you put some efforts into it.
August 23, 2007 5:37 PM
I agree with you John!Thats why there are many make money blog sites, each having a unique way of presenting.
September 3, 2007 1:55 AM
Hi Etienne Teo, just wanna say "Hello" and nice to know you, you have nice blog. It's can help others especially me to make money online. Thanks!
September 12, 2007 12:21 AM
Hi Etienne!
Thanks for visiting my blog and I found THIS blog by going thru blogcatalog.
I have looked thru your posts and read some of them, well parts and that is why I am writing.
It might be beneficial to you to break up the longer posts into "Part 1," "Part 2," and so forth.
Two things would happen - you would create anticipation for the upcoming 'part' and encourage people to come back to read it and two it would be a bit easier to 'swallow' meaning, I would not get so overwhelmed by your huge post and tend to skip the last half.
Just thought of one more thing - you would have more posts on hand as sometimes this is an issue - finding something to write about.
Just my thoughts on bettering your site. I know how busy people can get sometimes and a shorter post MAY encourage improved results.
It's a very good site and I wish you the best, I'll be back!
Pam Hoffman
September 12, 2007 12:51 AM
Maybe i will do part by part and thanks for your tips, i appreciate that!
September 20, 2007 11:07 PM
Nice 2 meet u.I found your site in
DP.You 're smart.Be my friend.
October 6, 2007 3:10 AM
Please let me know if you do not receive my email regarding some copyright infringements.
I am awaiting a reply.
Daniel Scocco
I was amazed you are on blogger and having this whole template is crazy!!
April 7, 2008 10:52 AM
Subscribed to you today Etienne. Your blog is amazing. At age 24 you're on the right track with your goals. You have also the best contest. I would definitely write it today.
April 8, 2008 11:36 AM
Thansk for the compliment, i appreciate that and nice to see you on my contest, good luck!
August 6, 2008 4:50 AM
There are many ways to make money online from advertising, selling products, or just writing for people. It is very hard to do at first and you will make a very small amount of money for the first year or two, but if you stick to it and you work hard it will all pay off. I am making 5000 a month from just advertising. Trust me if I can do it so can you, all it takes is time, hard work, and patience.
October 16, 2008 9:56 PM
You're only 24 and you have a good money making blog. I like your template :)
Good job!
November 8, 2008 6:58 AM
While going through our records recently, we found that your AdSense
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The Google AdSense Team
March 20, 2009 11:12 PM
Hi, just wondering why you haven't posted in months? I have been a keen follower of your amazing writing skills - in fact, I have just started my own blog after learning from you.
So, when are we likely to see you back to what you do best? :)
December 25, 2009 3:38 PM
its really a nice article and it resembles your quench my thirst, good job. keep it on...
money and profit
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