In the 90s, making money online seems to come from building website or selling products online and that seems to be the only way you can make money with. There is a new generation of business minded folks who are willing to pay you money if you offer your knowledge to the them. Do you have to be a web designer, a journalist or even a marketing genius? The answer is NO but you need a sense of responsibility and determination to be successful in this circle.
Can I make money first without spending a dime?
I do not want to lie about this but it really depends on the volume of money you want to make. If it is just five dollars a day that you want to make then it is absolutely possible without even spending a single cent nor cracking a great idea just to do it.
Writing your way to success
Writing articles online can make you $5 a day without even sweating in your own room. Does it require a lot of time? It might take you up to 1-2 hours if it's your first time writing but as you progress and write faster, we call it speed writing which can take less than 30 minutes on every article. Writing articles online is very different to those articles you see on the newspaper and magazines, your articles must be accessible by anyone and a average person with an 8th grade reading level must be able to understand what you’re talking about.
3 programs which i will like to recommend you to start with as a freelance writer or some say ghost writer and you can make money almost instantly.
You can sell your services online or place them on job boards if you intend to make more money. You can post your projects on the marketplace or boards and let them source customers for you.
You have made your first $150 and it's purely on writing alone, why not write more articles after you have got the hang of speed writing and make more money! Is there any other way you can think of to make money without spending a dime, why not let me know how you can do it in your own ways, i would like to hear from you.
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8 Responses to "How Can I Make Money Without Spending A Dime?"
I have been doing freelance writing and it makes me money with a blog.
I remember helium pays $0.12 per 1000 impression and AC pays $4 per article.
November 19, 2007 9:28 PM
well,in fact for me,I am the extreme.I make money online with a free blog platform and so far,I have not even spend a dime on it.
November 20, 2007 3:19 AM
Most definately... you can also submit those good articles with a resource box pointing to your own products or affiliate links and earn that way.
November 7, 2008 4:02 PM
I have tried several survey sites and free bucks site is the only survey site I will use from now on. you receive $ 0.50 just for signing up and you can cash out at any time if you have a minimum of $0.50 or more. I recommend this website to any reader that’s looking to earn money online. just use that link to sign up
January 22, 2009 4:13 AM
For me affiliates + SEO have worked fine. But I would like to earn some money to be as confident as pay for clicks or for view because, thinking big, if you earn 2000 a day, paying in adds $500 is perfect for me.
March 6, 2009 3:34 PM
what a brilliant idea. Getting a good payoff without spending not even a single cent is a good way to earn for a living. Using only your talent in writing and typing skill. This online jobs are really good. Thank for the post.
March 24, 2009 2:48 AM
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I once come across it and saw that it is really worth every penny you spend on it as teach you how to make up to $ 171,168.06 per month same as the owner of this program who teaches his techniques in step-by-step video tutorials.
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