Credits: nickclement
However you sucess depends on the methods you use in presenting your offering to your prospects. In direct mail marketing, you are sending your "salesmen" out to sell for you. If you have 1000 offers of your products and you give each salesman one product to sell for you, what are the chances of the products being sold in terms of reach in an automated method. Let us look at the advantage and disadvantage of using direct mail as your marketing plan.
Advantage to using direct mail as part of your marketing plan
Targeting a very specific group and taking your message directly to them, you have the ability to have complete control over the people who receives your advertising message and who doesn't. If you are targeting on opportunity seekers, a quality mailing list can let you focus on that specific group.
A well planned direct mail campaign can result in the most consistent and predictable method of customer generation and it provides great flexibility in message presentation.
Develop a distinctive personality for your business. It can enhance your image, giving your customers information and persuade them to place an order on your product.
Disadvantage of direct mail
They are often considered to be junk mail, this might have occured to you often when you receive many unknown emails that sells you products that are not what you are interested. Seldom does a one shot mailing have desired result. You must have a long term, well thought out marketing plan.
Your piece is competing with dozens of other pieces for attention, if you do not know what you are doing, it is easy to waste a lot of money.
Credits: BeckyMartin
Determine who you want to reach before you develop your direct mail strategy. This allows you to specifically target your message to fit specific needs. It is best advertising medium for customizing your appeal. With improved database resources and demographics, you can effectively precisely target the prospect you are aiming at.
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10 Responses to "Is Direct Mailing Marketing Still Effective?"
July 6, 2008 10:44 PM
Agree with your post... it's not what you do it's the way that you do it.
Speaking from experience, we have just done our first DM campaign for over two years and the response was pretty good.
That said, it was a more exclusive piece to a pre-qualified database. It was also very localised in terms of messaging and geography.
I guess DM, when done well, creates much more of a tactile experience?
July 7, 2008 1:55 AM
It all depend on the leads in the end I guess. High quality leads of DM can be really effective.
July 8, 2008 8:21 AM
DM can be highly effective if it is done right. Otherwise, you are really just throwing your money into the vast sea.
July 16, 2008 11:55 AM
If it still is effective, the method is losing steam fast. It is simply being taken over by even more cost effective methods where the percentage of marketing messages that are sent are hitting the end consumer more often.
July 19, 2008 5:38 PM
In my opinion, High quality leads of DM can be really more successful. Otherwise you are wasting you time and also money. Thanks
July 30, 2008 1:30 AM
I hope that someday all junk mail and just mail in general will be done away with. I think it is an old way of transferring information and we need to adopt new ways.
August 5, 2008 1:18 PM
Direct mailing is a marketing device that can accelerate your business revenues manifolds. Marketing your business through direct mailing not only increase up the profit rate of your organization, but also opens up new useful contacts to flourish your business.
October 21, 2008 3:53 AM
Great point about knowing your audience before you initiate a direct mailing campaign. A great, detailed list can make the world of difference.
December 17, 2008 10:07 AM
DM is a great way of obtaining concrete leads, networks and contacts. Its a tough gig to try and get good ROI on DM, but in good campaigns you can increase revenue and solidify relationships.
November 15, 2009 8:57 AM
..Very useful. Thanks for sharing your ideas. I haven’t been with a blog like yours for a while. I already bookmarked your site so I can keep on coming back.
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