Image Credits: Edge of Space
Have you been wondering when was the last time you have done something worthy of being reminded and proud to tell your friends about? If you have not then here are some tips i gathered to help you cultivate that personal productivity that is about to unleash!
Image Credits:nickster0007
Triple Your Personal Productivity - Steve Pavlina
"When building a successful career or a business of your own, your time is perhaps your most valuable asset, and your income is a direct result of how you spend your time." - Steve Pavlina
What Toyota can Teach You about Personal Productivity - LifeHack
"The two main pillars of Toyota’s approach boil down to: 1) respect for people and 2) continuous improvement; constant and never-ending improvement in all areas. Toyota made a major innovation over the American automobile manufacturers in the process of how the company viewed its people." - LifeHack
13 Steps to be Productive - Philforhumanity
"The key of productivity is about having goals, making plans, and having diligence. And the only way to achieve any of these productivity methods is by having effective habits." - Philforhumanity
Turn Your Potential Into Success - Potential2Success
"Everyone has the potential to be someone great. But sometimes the journey to greatness seems so impossible most never make the trip." - Ralph Jean-Paul
Top 5 Productivity Tips Most People Know But Do Not Do - Lifeoptimizer
"Reading a book is one thing, but applying it is a different thing. No wonder very few people experience what the authors write." - Donald Latumahina
9 Tips For Boosting Personal Productivity - Huffingtonpost
"Many of my most important daily personal productivity rules are very low-tech and simple - they're aimed to help me accomplish the most basic tasks of my day." - Gretchen Rubin
10 Easy Tips for Setting Positive Life Goals - Addiction Recovery Basics
"Every success is usually an admission ticket to a new set of decisions. Many of us are somehow confused on how to be successful; we have been reading books, attending seminars and forums to adapt ways on how to be successful in every endeavor we take." - Henry Kissinger
Bruce Lee’s Top 7 Fundamentals for Getting Your Life in Shape - PositivityBlog
"It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential." - Bruce Lee
33 Rules to Boost Your Productivity - Steve Pavlina
"Suppose your goal is to climb to the peak of a mountain, but there’s no trail to follow. " - Steve Pavlina
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8 Responses to "Fundamentals,Rules,Settings and Steps To Cultivating Your Personal Productivity"
July 22, 2008 3:50 PM
Oh my god which countries is this?
July 22, 2008 3:56 PM
To write a good article is a very hard job to me.
July 26, 2008 6:45 PM
Steve Pavlina's saying is most worthy for me and time is something which can destory you or you can be a champion. Perhaps we are addicted to waste time here and there, we always suffer later.
July 27, 2008 6:07 PM
" Cone of silence. Take a laptop with no network or WiFi access, and go to a place where you can work flat out without distractions, such as a library, park, coffee house, or your own backyard. Leave your comm gadgets behind."
This is best sort of tip which I have yield from one of the articles. I shall love to do that.
July 29, 2008 10:03 PM
In other words, you should have a goal set and some really good time and effort management to reach the goal:) good collection of sayings, truly wise.
August 1, 2008 4:35 AM
On another blog i was reading about 6 'P' of success and Productivity was among of them. I think it is the toughest 'P' in an internet marketer life. All his/her success rely on this and if there is no productivity then there is no life. I personally like to read a lot of stuff on that and thanks for sharing all those thoughts. There are priceless.
August 4, 2008 2:23 PM
Hmm.The post is very much cool and informative.Looks good.Like this.Thanks.
August 4, 2008 2:24 PM
Very much informative.I thin this will going to help me out.
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