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5 Factors that lead to Blogging Satisfaction

When i first started working in the society, i always thought that the first working experience always ends as a "job". In fact i never bother about others talking about substaining and creating a future out of the job into a career which satisfy you.

I was working 9am to 5pm a day and 6 days a week and every single day i am doing a routine job which was to ensure i work fruitfully for that 8 hours actively, you do not have to bother whether you are making sales or money, the requirement to stay in this job is the presence which sucks because you can't move out of your comfort zone.

I told myself that this is not the suitable job for me after 3 months and i told my boss there is no satisfaction in this job, challenges are a norm day to day and there is not much values and reason in only focusing on "Presence". My Boss asked me a simple question on how i will define Job satisfaction, the words just could not form a sentence and i was stunned for a moment before replying, "it's very hard to put in words". I quit the job and found another new job almost instantly. What is Job satisfaction to most of us?

Knowing ourselves: Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction is a general attitude towards one's "JOB". It is the difference between the amount of rewards workers receive and the amount they perceive they should receive for their jobs. It is the condition based on people's attitudes and values. Satisfaction results when a job fulfills or helps attain an individual's values, expectations and standards.

In blogging, we refer satisfaction to how we shape and evolve our blog into. For example designing a new blog theme for your upcoming blog which you intend to release in 2 months time, target yourself to write a post with 7,000 words or engaging in a group project with the intention to help others can all be challenging and satisfactory.

Factors that lead to Blogging Satisfaction
  1. Mentally Challenging Work - Bloggers prefer work that provides them opportunities to use their skills and abilities and offer variety of tasks. Prefer tasks that offers some degree of difficulty so that they can put in a considerable of effort and test their skills.

  2. Monetary Rewards - Bloggers make money through direct sponsors or CPA,CPM and affiliate programs which is generated through their traffic. Research shows that most of the bloggers feels satisfy when they are able to hit a 4 figure earning, but it will not end there because you will never be satisfied if your aim is just a 4 figure blog earner.

  3. Supportive Blog Conditions - Guest blogging is one form of supportive action to another blog when it comes to this point. I am sure many of us do guest blogging for others but does it only benefit their blogs or is this a good way to help boost your reputation up as a authority blogger? Have you sponsored prizes to big and small contest that are held by other bloggers, do you give them a hand and what do you get in return? People know that you are a supportive bloggers in the social community of bloggers around.

  4. Supportive Readers - Readers are who you present your work to and readers are those that see what you have to see. What have you given back to them? Do you hold contest so that you can keep this lot of loyal readers participating in the activities your blog host, not only to win the prizes you have installed for them but to interact with those that are silently behind reading.

  5. Is Blogging Your Strongest - Look in between individual personality and contribution to greater blog satisfaction. Every individual have their strongest and weakest part to pinpoint on, but there are some who can outshine the rest in blogging and thus lead to greater blog satisfaction.

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Filed: Blogging Tips

4 Responses to "5 Factors that lead to Blogging Satisfaction"

robojiannis says
February 5, 2008 7:21 PM

Hi, I'm a supportive reader ;)
Nice post

Etienne Teo says
February 6, 2008 12:49 AM

Thanks for constantly reading my blog, email me if you need anything, i will help if i can.

Tom Ross says
February 6, 2008 9:07 PM

Hi Etienne, I just wanted to say that I really agreed with your post. I think that blogging can bring a great amount of job satisfaction - something that is hard to find with the standard 9/5. I think the reason for this is because you only have yourself to thank for any successes. You can technically make your blog as big as you like, it just takes time and effort.

By the way, I'm not trying to plug my own blog here, but your post definitely supported some of the sentiments of a recent post of mine: Bloggers are the friendliest people in the world - for me that is a big part of blogging job satisfaction (at least so far).

Keep up the good work with the site, and I look forward to seeing it develop.

AntiVirus says
February 11, 2008 6:23 PM

i think i get satisfaction after i've seen the money deposited into my account

big money that is

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