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A Valuable Lesson I Learned From A Martial Art Teacher

At the age of 11, my parents took me to a community centre to learn Ninjatsu from a Japanese Master. I just thought it was impossible for me to master Ninjatsu since the picture portrayed to me since young was that ninja are suppose to be throwing darts and smoke bomb to run away from their enemies and luckily it was not the case.

What i learn was the basic level of Ninjatsu which shows you how to defend and attack an opponent at the quickest time possible. I remember once the Sensei said to us, "In order to defend and attack at the quickest possible time, you will need to think you can do it and with this thinking in your mind, you will be able to strike your enemy at deadly speed."

This sentence applies in life and in order to succeed, you should have a positive state of mind and never succumb to negative surroundings. A single negative thought could easily destroy the opportunity that you have targeted for to succeed. It is much harder to think postively than to have negative thoughts.

A very good friend of mine, Adam who is an IT Whiz, he works for HP and is a programmer and web consultant and he draws home a monthly salary of $3,000 and works 12 hours just to keep this pay rolling every month.I gave him a reason to think about working as a joint venture online and we could be making big bucks if the product is successful. I gave him my proposal and plans on what i need since he is the programmer, the first question he asked was that whether he will be paid with a fixed monthly salary.

I told him, that the initial phase could bring us penniless profit but as time goes it would.The level of trust seems to fade away as he tries to change the topic and does not seem to agree we could make money if there is no fixed income. Apparently he got stuck with his day job while i am blogging and ventured a few other websites that makes money and while i earn about the same pay scale, i spend a few hours online upating my blog and that is my day, i could have a cup of coffee and start reading my mail. Adam's mind is fixed on a monthly salary, fix day job and does not trust others so in his mind, the word "impossible" and "you can't" repeatedly flashes in his mind and that is why he did not chose the path which could make him easier money online.

This video here explains why the sentence "you can't do it" does not exist in a successful person's mind and it's a matter of your own choice whether you want to or not.

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5 Responses to "A Valuable Lesson I Learned From A Martial Art Teacher"

December 31, 2007 11:05 AM

Being both a Master of the Arts and Whiz in programming, I understand your point perfectly. Subconscious programming is both a tool that can float or crash a person. Like the little green alien master once said "Do or Do not...No Try".

Jack Berg

It was great advice from the man who speaks of you can do it.

Fione Tan - eOneNet says
December 31, 2007 4:27 PM

Yes, it's easier to "justify" what and how things could go wrong, but not everyone will be willling to go and try a new item.

However, without any risks, there will be hardly any rewards right?

Happy New Year !

Fione Tan
Internet Marketing Asia Company - eOneNet.com


While other say no, it is your choice to do it or think about why you cant do it, a great advice from the master.

Martial Art Info says
August 25, 2008 3:15 AM

You can't blame the mindset of people like Adam. Maybe you could introduce him to Martial Art :)

By the, who is that cool sensei in the video? He's calm and really influencing.

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