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What we can learn from Miss South Carolina's mistakes

It makes me wonder can one person just talk the talk and not understand what the question is in the first place? YES! It had happened and i am not surprise it came from the recent Miss Teen USA 2007 pageant.

You see Miss South Carolina was given a simple question ("Recent poll have shown that 1/5 of americans can't locate USA on the world map, why do you think it's so?") without hesitation she put words in her mouth without realising she was not speaking english and this went on for 30 seconds. She drifted off from the question so badly that i could not help but felt embarrassed for the fact she was on live television and then on Youtube receiving criticism and knowing the media power, it attracted 10 millions viewers in just 6 days!

Unlike us, we can actually edit our post and think before we write our contents but we do get excited over what we want to post so that our loyal fans can read it quickly and mistakes are bound to happen when you don't read back.

What this video can teach us
A very good example is writing articles which could be a problem when you have 3,000 words in it, bloggers who write them have to ensure that they do not drift away from their topics and the good thing about being a blogger rather than Miss USA is you have ample time to check what you have written based on the topic.

Bloggers do make mistakes
It is inevitable that bloggers do make mistakes, but you do have ample time to check on your article contents before releasing it out to your readers, make sure you are discipline enough to read through and look for minor mistakes such as your grammar and spelling. Like i say you can never be perfect but at least you have a chance to correct your mistake while some others who goes on live television don't.

How to avoid drifting out of topic
If you are writing a long article, it is always good you do a skeleton draft first, with your title and subtitles you have in mind, you will be able to focus more on your writing instead of thinking what else to add on which could related to your topic.

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Filed: Blogging Tips

3 Responses to "What we can learn from Miss South Carolina's mistakes"

Michelle Tan

She was damn nervous and i think thats the reason why she fumbled.


She is just a bimbo,digusting.


That was a Interesting way to put it..

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