Image Credits: Indiephotographer
We all know the importance of how social media can help broaden and speed up the flow of traffic to our blogs without the use of exchange for credits or buying useless traffic from companies that guarantee your enormous traffic yet these readers do not stay for more than 20 seconds.Social media sites are a good way to communicate what you have on your blog to your readers. Social media are also a good form of way to generate further interest giving good rating and "audience appeal" to the content that is being deliver. Popular articles that hit the front page usually have something special or unique that carries along with the content the writer is trying to deliver.

Image Credit: e5io
Some of the social media sites that have been popular and used frequently which generates massive flow of traffic that could crash your weak server.
I think instead of telling you and showing you screenshots which you might have seen it a thousand times on other blogs, i decided to use Joyoftech's Comic strip version to show you how Digg Work.
I took this interesting picture from nowsourcing and it shows how your post might be stumbleupon by other's in the vast ocean which looking for the right moment and time to be picked up and appreciated. Stumbleupon have been the most successful social media site i have used so far that generated more than 4,000 visitors in a day.

The newly born sites that are catching up with more and more users expanding their usage of social media coverage online are:
I must say Bloggingzoom so far have been generating a large number of "zoom" votes for my articles and i have receive decent referral traffic and thanks to the users who have common interest in what i have to bring to them, that is why i use them pretty frequently to increase awareness of my latest post.

A rather new social site that is posting contents that are on fire, Postonfire accepts Article content publishing and encourages users to vote and give comments on the post you have read.

Unlike other social media sites, BlogEngage tends to communicate more with it's user and provide a platform(forum) to discuss on issue that could help individual users along the way if they have issues and problems on the social site.

A social media site that covers information that is worth a read online. They accept news, pictures and videos and Mixx allows you to tag and categorize according to what you need and want.

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7 Responses to "Why Drive A Bullet Into Your Blog Post Through Social Media?"
April 29, 2008 11:57 PM
Thanks so much for adding blog Engage on your list! For a while there we were always getting missed! But with my dedication and promotional marketing efforts we have successfully penetrated the Social networking market and our growth continues! As you already mentioned launching the forums was a big hit! I add mods daily which allows even more ways for our members to promote their blog and get help when needed!
I love blog engage and I’m hoping we are here for ah while! We just added a user blog sections that allows our members to host and promote their blogs using any blogger template! We added a blog links directory that has exploded with links and as mentioned the forums are doing great!
Again thanks for mentioning us with these other sites! We work hard so our members can benefit from using blogengage and glad you continue to be a member
Thanks again
Brian B
April 30, 2008 4:21 AM
Found you on blogengage, great list of social media sites, I will go check out the 2 that I was not aware of!
April 30, 2008 6:02 PM
Hi Brian and susie, Thanks for dropping me a message for those who have found this post through blogengage.
May 1, 2008 1:21 AM
Several of these I was not even aware of. I do find that the social networks do drive traffic, how many of them are actually legitimately interested in your posts is another story.
I am definitely going to try a few of these.
May 1, 2008 1:23 AM
Wow. I haven't heard of some of these. I found your site through a link on another and now I have a great resource to look for more great tips!
May 2, 2008 4:50 PM
I always submit my article to whenever i update my blog. But, I don't get much dugg for my article.
May 4, 2008 1:00 AM
Thanks for this list. I knew about most but there were a few new ones that I never heard of. I found this from your blogengage article.
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