Over all both E-books are great and the contents are 100% written to help users who have zero experience on blogging or the contents could help you optimize further in improving your blogging methods and styles not forgetting to improve your body shape in the most unconventional ways.

Caroline MiddleBrook have come up with an ebook on her experiences with wordpress and how she is going to further simplify this easy to use open source application that bloggers are using(excludes me since i am on blogger). I have already read how you can go about getting your wordpress to work with your new host server and also why you should get a better theme(template design for your blog), if you intend to blog, then this e-book gives you a straight clear cut direction to have your blog setup.

Israel aka Fat Man Unleashed released his blogger proof workout dummy guide Vol 1, which i will see more series coming out soon and i must say many of his guides to becoming a much fitter you comes from the little movement and interesting exercise he shows you and i must say this is impressive! If you intend to lose some weight like how this Fat Man Israel did with over 40 Ibs so far then this is the book you should be downloading.
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7 Responses to "Free E-book That Teaches you How To Build Your Wordpress And Workout Blog"
January 22, 2008 8:33 PM
thanks for the mention.
I like what caroline had presented in a simple ebook!
January 23, 2008 12:12 PM
thanks for the ebooks !!
i read caroline's ebook- its fabulous ! Thanks again for the link !!
That was a great ebook by caroline and it was nice that you mention them!
January 24, 2008 7:09 PM
That is really a great book for the new ppl. Thanks for the links.
January 24, 2008 7:12 PM
Nice books. I was looking for the books like this for long.
December 18, 2009 12:04 AM
Thank you for sharing suc a nice free ebooks. I will definitely download these ebooks.
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