In the aspects of blogging, it could mean losing or gaining new visitors who have come across your blog for the first time and finally found a blog worth reading about. The topics,subjects and theme seems to be the right sources, even when your blog is only 2 months old with less than 50 posts.
If this continues, you are sure to be the next rising star in blogging. The influence created by you and your contents makes you powerful and people tends to listen and organize your daily tips into a schemas structure.

They are adaptive in providing continuity and help us relate new experiences to old experiences. These are especially useful when we encounter ambiguous information as they provide us cognitive structures with which to interpret confusing information.
Now that you have understood the word "schemas". This is what it acts as:
- Filters
- Screening out information
- Schema-Consistent
- Reinforce Schema
What is the reason for the failure of a new blog?
Over estimating your own abilities and do not heed advice from your fellow bloggers who tends to be more experienced and could counter situation that you have never seen before. Never realised how your impressions are wrong and the reasons could be:
- See people in only limited number of situations.
- Never have the opportunity to see that our impression are wrong from the start.
- Not realizing our impressions are wrong because a lot of people agree on what a person is like,even when all of them are wrong.
- Create a self-fulfilling prophecy and make our impressions come true.
- People use mental shortcuts to simplify the amount of information received.
- Social Cognition is pragmatic. Adopts a different procedures depending on one's goals and needs.
Do you work smart and not hard to develop a blog that you can run and not feel tired after years of blogging? I would like to hear on your opinions and know how far you would go to work smart.
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3 Responses to "How Schemas And Influence Can Force Us To Do & See Things Differently"
I have always being taking shortcuts in life and that could be the reason why i could not fully unleash the potential in me.
I just thought it was a well written article, and you have some great resource which i hope to see soon.
Come to think about it, that is what exactly drives me to do shortcuts in life.
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