Why SEOMeter uses only Google Search Engine?
Google is the only search engine that allows public access to the caching timestamp of cached URLs. (by using [cache:] search command). SeoMeter plan to incorporate more search engines into our monitoring system when other search engines start to make detailed cache timestamp publicly available.
I am sure you know by now that Google not only crawl and indexes your site but they also keep a good record of when your site was last cached.
This is how you retrieve your last crawl on Google search engine, type in your own website and look for "cached" at the bottom of the index link(in yellow) and you will be able to retrieve when your website was crawled:
How do i Check my Status of my blog?
Visit SEOMeter website, on the right top corner, there is a searchbox(highlighted in light of my screenshot). Type in your website eg. "cnn.com" and not "www.cnn.com"and press "GO". It will bring you to the page that will read your Crawl Cycle graph.

How do I interprete the crawling history graph?
The history graph visualizes how the crawl cycle (CC) of a given website changes over time. The CC is the time between two consecutive crawls (i.e., cache updates) done by search engine robots. Currently we display the last 3-month history of crawl cycles for a given website.
The x-axis of each dot in the figure represents the timestamp of search engine's crawling event. The y-axis of the dot is a past one-month average of crawl cycle from that date. So for example, CC=2 on Dec. 20 means that between 11/20 and 12/20, search engine crawled the given website once every other day on average.

Top 20 Category Directory List
SEOMeter even went to the extend of providing you with a top 20 categorized list of crawled websites. Categories includes : Internet marketing, Blogging, Social Network.

I felt this tool was more useful for those who are slightly experienced and know what cached and crawl cycle rate means. SEOMeter could give more than just numbers and percentage, a brief on what 1 month crawl cycle and 3 month crawl cycle means would do beneficial to the newbies.
Overall SEOMeter gets my thumbs up on 2 points:
- Being a free tool to everyone who could use it, and they have nothing to lose.
- The ability to provide me with accurate Google crawl cycle rates which i am interested.
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5 Responses to "SEOMeter - Neat Analytic Tool Unveils Your Google Crawl Rate"
February 13, 2008 3:54 PM
I got realy useful information from reading this blog!Thank you!I follow you advice!
I just thought it was quite useless because i do not have a seo background and do not have a hell understanding on what the graph can help me on.
The seometer is a ueful tool to me, and i love it to collect my stats.
great stuff...thanks for so much of info
April 7, 2009 2:42 PM
nice article
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