For a blog to make enough money you need to raise your stakes on your 3 main structures watched carefully by advertisers: , Alexa, PageRank. Without traffic, you will not be able to accomplished your targets to make it big on these 3 ranking system and you will be losing income from direct advertisers.

Image Credit:miesnert
Sitemaps brings you Targeted Traffic
Create a sitemap by using a sitemap generator otherwise if you are a wordpress blogger, you can download the plugin and use it almost instance. A sitemap is a way of organizing a website, identifying the URLs and the data under each section. Sitemap helps to ensure every single post you have made on your blog is captured by the search engine so this not only helps in your internal links but also it could be a potential source of organic traffic coming from search engines.
Using your Blog Images
In one of my post on how you can optimize your blog images for image search on Google, one of the reason why we want to ensure our blog images could be found on search engine is because it can drive you large amount of traffic. Images are sourced widely by many users who are looking for the correct visual effects for their website or upcoming blog post
3rd Party Traffic Site
Dump the idea of using blog explosion to help drive referral traffic to your site, the old credit earning just don't work now instead learn to follow the trend and know which 3rd party site is the hottest way to gain referral traffic to your site. My latest review on Entrecard clearly states how easy it is to earn credits and drive targeted traffic from blogs you would want to advertise on.
Social Media Network Works!
Believe it or not but social media is one of the best way to increase your traffic today. It is also one of the most hype and talk about word in the blog community. The sites i use to boost my traffic comes from , Bloggingzoom, Sphinn. It is a niche by itself and last month, a post on 21 Punching Tips On Social Media Marketing and Social Media Optimization increased my refferal traffic to 2,568 visitors viewing this post alone with 60 backlinks and more.
Listing your Blog URL on Directories
Blog directory submission is one of my first step to building both my links and traffic, though i do not see much referral traffic coming but once your blog is approved, your url will be permanently on the directory so you might get a handful of traffic once in a while. Blogtoplist is one of the many voting directory which allows you to vote for another blogger on the list and it is applicable to many to join since it is able to help you gain traffic.
Become a Top Commentor
Becoming a top commentor for a blog shows the relationship between you and the blogger. If you are contributing to their blog, you will be appreciated and like Caroline who found herself jumping from 11k visitor per month to 35k visitor per month and also her Rss Subscribers made a huge jump from 275 to 900 plus recently.
Article Landing
Written a post today for your blog? Why not rewrite it and publish them on article directory like Hubpages for maximum exposure. Your biography below each article should have a link to your blog or a landing page which you desire and it is not hard to rewrite your contents. You just need to play around with words.
Guest Posting
Exposure,links,traffic is what you look forward to when you guest blog. I have not done any guest posting yet, but there are a couple of projects that is lining up for me to start on, so i can expose my blog to more surfers. A guide to promoting your blog through guest posts shows you why you should write for other blogs and also the gains that you will get when you guest blog.
Rss Subscriptions
Make sure you have an that people can subscribe to. The acronym RSS means Rich Site Summary, or some may consider its meaning as Really Simple Syndication. It is a document type that lists updates of websites or blogs available for syndication. These RSS documents (also known as 'feeds') may be read using aggregators (news readers). RSS feeds may show headlines only or both headlines and summaries.
Creating Controversy
Driving traffic is your main priority and it is only smart for you to fire at blogs or website that others are following religiously. The person who challenges a specific view or assumptions of another blogger will need to prepare to defend the words he had just said. The end result is heavy traffic responsing to your answers, a group of fans behind your back supporting your logic and a group of opposing fans that thinks you have gone too far. Whatever the result is, the traffic driven is sweet!
- Pinging Drives You Traffic
- Viral Marketing Strategies That promises traffic
- Buy Ads and Receive Targeted Traffic
- Self Created Products That Drives Traffic
- Blog Communities Diversify Your Traffic
- Forum Signature Helps Gain Automatic Traffic
- Video Marketing Generates Tons of Traffic
PPC Marketing drives Both Income & Traffic
Pick a list of 5 that you would like to start from my list and let me know whether they have worked for you over time, you can start a post on how you have experimented and whether it turned out successful or just plain bullshit which you can further recommend to your readers to stay away from or stick with the strategies discussed here.
If this list still do not help you in driving traffic then i guess Aureliustjin's 110 traffic generation tips should do the trick and if it still does not drive a certain amount of traffic(more than 50 visitors daily) to your blog. It is time you close your blog account and start looking for a day job and forget about making money online with a blog.(Speaking the truth, i don't lie on this point..)
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6 Responses to "18 Remarkable Tactics Used To Drive Traffic 101"
thanks for the Sitemap generator plugin, finally one easy to use :-)
I have to agree with the is the importance of the images. I did not see it much, but all of a sudden few days ago I started to recieve heaps of traffic through image searches - past few days it amounted to about 30% of my traffic ...
By the way, just came back from Singapore :-) first visit, one great place to see !
December 6, 2007 2:34 PM
Hi F1wolf,
The plugin should work fine. Cheers and welcome to the green city of Singapore.
It was amazing how your blog can provide so much resources! I love your articles.
Thanks for remarkable tactics. Tips are very impreaaive. I know the importance of Blog directory submission, social networks, sitemaps, blog images,rss feed etc. I agree with you. I learnt some more information like targeted traffic, website traffic, traffic tactics with the help of other sites. Review this site, I hope this will help you. Thanks once again.
January 8, 2008 3:33 AM
Enjoyed this post. Your's and a couple other blogs that I read regularly have inspired me to create my own blog, It's as much for me to track projects that I'm working on, but hopefully others will find them useful and informative.
I haven't determined if there's a specific niche I want to try to be in, probably best fit into a Do It Yourself blog, but in different areas. Still just working on getting some content up also looking into ways to build some traffic when I feel the content is there, so your post is perfectly timed.
Thanks and keep up the good work,
Alexa ranking has its own significance in the ranking position of website in the search engines. The ranking in serves as a criteria for the Webmasters, advertisers and ad networks as a gauge to determine the worth of a link on your website. If one depends on link or site selling as a form of monetization one will definitely want to increase their Alexa rank because it’ll increase bargaining power when it comes to ad pricing. Here we are taking into account the ranking of Social media. Social media is an Internet media that allow people to interact in some way. Social media can take many different forms, including Internet Forums, message boards, weblogs, wikis, podcasts, pictures and video. The basic services provided by these sites are interactive connections. The 10 social media sites stated below are ranked high in These are:-
2. Microsoft Network
6. Orkut
8. Hi5
Like is the online social networking services operated by Google. Here people come into contact with each other and build up relations whether personal or business.
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