Writing is part of what i do daily and there could be time i would need a dashboard or editor to get my post created before i have it up in my blog platform. A write editor is always easier for bloggers to have their post created.
This is a list of 19 writing editors that will work for both bloggers or users offline doing their work.
Writer Zoho
Create, format, & edit documents online with a powerful WYSIWIG editor and you are able to post your contents written on zoho to your blog platform.

As you might have figured out that i would not miss out Google since they are a dominant power in all things. Documents that you can easily create with Google would be your basic word, excel and, power point layout using your Gmail account.

I do like the way Inetword can help me lesser my finds on the net using one editor to do everything under one roof. You have the ability to create what you want to show on a page.


Quote from page:"GreenDOC allows you to write, save and publish fast and simple your documents, articles, ideas and notes. It is special because you're just one click away from typing your documents and no registration is needed."




Peepel Editor
Peepel is a smart editor where you are able to import works from almost all popular supported formats. You can now share file around with your friends and social community with much ease now.

Free 1 GB online storage, free online alternative to Microsoft office, you are able to create your docs in quick and easy format.





Get your portable version now on your desktop when you can work offline before having your documents upload on the net to your blog.

Blogdesk helps makes things simple for you, you can easily create your write up and speed up lavish processes and assists the author with smart features.






Window Live Writer

Quote from page:"Windows Live Writer is a desktop application that makes it easy to publish rich content to your blog. Insert photos and videos, maps, tags and lots of other cool content, all in a snap. Powerful editing features include tables, spell checker, and quick hyperlinks."

Quote from the page:"There is nothing to download, nothing to install, it’s free for personal use, and works with all popular blogging software. BlogMailr allows you to publish to your blog from anything that can send an email whether it’s your PC, Mac, Phone, PDA … you name it."
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9 Responses to "Write with Creativity: 19 Killer Blog Writting Editors"
I must say this is a good list that you have come up with.
February 15, 2008 3:28 AM
I have been using BlogDesk, but it does not have the ability to post to Blogger posts directly. But the cut and paste function works fine otherwise. I might have to give Windows live and few others of these a whirl though.
Inetdoc is one of my favor to use. I am interested in blogmate which seems to be another good editor to use.
For all online backup and storage related info, I recommend this website:
What a list you have crafted! I have subscribed on your blog~
February 19, 2008 6:12 PM
i think if you own the social media site such as digg or so, you'll definitely get a successful blog like doshdosh
March 5, 2010 11:11 AM
I Agree With Your Views Comments...Thank Q!!!!!
March 5, 2010 11:17 AM
I Agree With Your Views And Comments.......Thank Q For Posting Article.........
March 5, 2010 11:18 AM
I Agree With Your Views And Comments.......Thank Q For Posting Article.........I might have to give Windows live and few others of these a whirl though.
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