My Alexa Rank also did not move to the ideal 55,000 but it did broken the 60,000 mark which i am still happy and a total of 19,543 uniques in the past month which broken my November record of 13,458 uniques.
New Blog Design
Everybody got a new blog design and i could not be lagging behind and in order to build a unique design which is only offered to me alone, i decided to code my own design which got me working for 7 straight days since i was a newbie and i had to learn from scratch. After completing my design, i feel a sense of achievement which i have not felt for a while but it was worth the 7 days spent.
The new blog design brought in advertisers who were interested in advertising with me and it was quick that EtienneTeo was sold out in less than 2 days. I must say it was a very motivating moment from then that i should just drop adsense from the front fold and concentrate on getting direct advertisers.

This Blog alone had 2 main income source which was my direct advertisers and also my adsense portion which was visible only if you leave a comment at the bottom half of my blog and i left it there to experiment whether i will still be making money and just last week i receive my adsense cheque which i made $205.05 in a month experiment and this proves that you can still make money with adsense, what you need is just Traffic!
Direct advertising became my source of income, and for the start of year 2008, i have another few slots of 125x125 banner up for sales which i am actively looking for suitable sponsors on my blog. I am having a promotion price right now for the start of 2008 and you can contact me if you are interested. Banner rotate daily so you get maximum exposure!
The Traffic and Backlinks Just Grew
It was amazing how much traffic you can drive when you write list of resourceful information, i have experienced how well targeted it could lead to and how much drive it could get you too. My highest number of backlinks received was when i wrote on 21 punching tips on social media and the highest received traffic i got through was writing 101 tips i learned from blogging. Till this day i have written 21 resourceful post which i would like to share with you.

Last Month, my RSS Readers stays staggered at 250 but my recent contest which could win you a social media script took off my readers subscriptions and it blast past the 300 which was set for and i am happy to see the growth of my Rss Readers. It was one of the effectively methods i have talked about in my previous article and it works well for me. More Competition like this will be announced in Year 2008 and and contest through email would be the easiest to keep you updated.

Moving Forward to 2008
As we move forward in 2008, there are many exciting activities which i plan for over at my blog which i am looking forward to great participation from the general crowd. I am sure you will be keen in participating in one of these events which i have highlighted.
Writing Project 2008
I have thought of starting a writing project among a group of bloggers who would like to participate and it would be a great opportunity to have your blog post exposed here and a chance to grab a backlink from me. The theme is to produce a a 'Top 10 List" and i am not going to restrict the category that could participate other than those which have offensive text,gambling and anything that is deem harmful to the eyes of my readers. If you are interested in participating, you can drop me an email and i would give you a confirmation of when this project will commence.
Contest sponsors
I will be looking out and welcoming new contest sponsors who could aid me in a hand to celebrate my 1st anniversary and i will start early though March would be the actual month that i hit 1 year blogging and i am excited to see this as a successful contest. I will try to break down to as many prizes as i can and i am really looking forward to some big sponsors, contact me if you are interested.
Guest Posting
This is the first time i am allowing guest posting but it is an experiment that is going to determine whether it will be continued and i will blogging about it on why guest posting seems like the next great thing to expose your writing talents to others and also to gain exposure to your new blog. If you are interested in writing for this blog, you can contact me.
Last but not least, I want to thank you for reading my blog and you guys are the reason why i continue to write more list post and tips. I look forward to your questions through email and comments and it was just an amazing 2007 which i am going to archive right now to look forward in a new 2008 year!
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3 Responses to "Setting New Blog Goals In 2008 While We Recap Wonderful Moments of 2007!"
January 3, 2008 7:45 AM
Honestly, reading your articles and stuff like this gives me more motivation. I mean, I have my own and I'm just trying to strive like you are... keep up the great work!
Happy New Years by the way!
Oh yeah, I don't think I seen you post a comment but I'm giving free backlinks on my blog at DatMoney.com just go comment on the "Link Love" post.
You goals are all set and i have not even got my blog up and running. cheers hope to see mine running soon.
I just thought it was cool to run a list of your targets and let others know what you want.
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