I have always valued my relationship with other bloggers whom i have come across over the months. Some have helped me over time and others given me words of encouragement to continue what i am writing.
I am so thankful to those who have shown their support over here and for those who have contacted me with their questions and doubts. I will try my best to answer all your emails.
I always believe in constant follow up to build a good relationship with bloggers. Learn to communicate with others, build a better foundation especially if you are new in blogging especially from experience bloggers in your niche.
- Make an introduction. Don't be afraid to make an introduction to another blogger of your niche through email or IM. Try to keep it rather personal and short since we are not talking about a million dollar deal, cut the formality in calling "SIR/MDM" instead address them by their name which would be much preferred.
Show them what you have installed. Yaro Starak gave a very good insight on the term ''pillar contents'. A post with more than 500 words would be seen as a pillar post. Writing 10 pillar post would be pretty insane considering the fact that you are new and do not have the sufficient knowledge thus you should read other blogs to slowly build your 10 pillar contents otherwise you can always engage a ghost writer for a fee to write your pillar contents. After you have published them on your blog, drop the bloggers a note on your who you are and a short summary of the post.
Bloggers do read blogs. Every blogger who blogs, read what others have in mind on their blog. In order for them to visit your humble new blog, you need to in-cooperate what you have learned in the 1st and 2nd point.
Leaving a comment. Get notice by leaving comments on blogs, if you do not have the slight habit of doing so. I suggest you should pick out a Top 10 blogs you patronize frequently and start leaving constructive comments on their blog to get notice, a successful story of how Caroline hits 94 referral traffic from problogger is a good example.
Add Valuable trust to the relationship. If you are a programmer, why not produce a software or plugin and if you have a vast knowledge of a 'how to make money online', why not write an ebook to help others make money. There are many others ways you can do to maintain a closer relationship with your fellow bloggers, mailing them some of your free works can well turn the table to your advantage as they spread the word on your product for free.
- Connect to their alternatives. Social media marketing the the hype now and there are tons of social communities that you can join to interact with others. Facebook, mybloglog,blogcatalog and bumpzee is one of the few great places to connect with other bloggers.
Be Positive and Trust Yourself
I always believe if you have tried and and failed, it does not mean the end instead it should spur you to try even harder and work towards the goal you have set, maintain your positive thinking and trust yourself in what you think you are capable of doing.
Making friends online are actually very simple, as long as you show a little more care and listen to what they have in mind, building a lasting relationship in the blogsphere is possible.
What's been your experience in terms of building relationships through blogs?
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5 Responses to "Establishing A Good Relationship With Bloggers"
Man, that was a great tip on how i should go about to establish a better relationship with more pro bloggers.
November 7, 2007 9:59 PM
Great post derived from great personal experience.
Consider it ZOOMED!
November 8, 2007 10:39 AM
Great tips, Etienne. It's always good to network with fellow bloggers in the same niche. Sometimes you can bounce ideas back and forth especially with bloggers in the affiliate marketing niche.
November 10, 2007 8:51 PM
exactly etienne.maki said that we should treat fellow bloggers like friends and not competitors.and well he is right and so are u!
April 2, 2009 8:56 PM
Great resource for isolated bloggers like myself :)
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