Problogger announced the latest Adsense experiment which had a number of bloggers trying out their new ad unit, this is how it looks with the old look and the more interactive ad unit which was recently displayed.

Finally Google understands that we are humans after all and a little visual product effect might help boost the sales with each click and i am looking forward for this new interactive unit to be available for everyone and let's hope they are not going to restrict international users like how Widgetbucks snubs all of it's international publishers.
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3 Responses to "Advertisements With Visual Effect Works - Google Finally Understands"
If adsense is to release this to te public then it will be great news, more ads unit that can be displayed on the website.
It was something new that i heard adsense is going to put and use banners like these to be on adsense.
December 22, 2007 7:50 PM
i still do not have it in my account,maybe the next time around.
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