In order to keep so annoying mails at bay, here i have a list of websites that could help you keep your mailbox and your phone clear from such pesky thieves who comes invading your privacy.
Disposable First Time Login
Bugmenot - call this a crack or hack but if you are visiting a website for the first time which requires you to register, then you could visit their contents using one of these public login which is setup for you.

Disposable Storage Login - A Video Storage Site which requires no signup nor logins, just update and set to the number of weeks you need it to be uploaded, you can set your password so that you can keep the content private to your fellow friends.
Disposable Email Login
Spaml - An automatic disposable email,Use the email that is generated for you and start using it to login in on other websites and this will be your spam mail account.
Disposable Identity Details Login
Fake Name Generator - This is one of the coolest generator i have seem so far, you can fake a identity which also includes telling others whether you are a chinese,indian or eurasian.

Disposable Phone Number Login
Numbr - Get a numbr in 23 cities in the US, and forward calls to any landline or
mobile phone numbers without sharing your real phone number. It is a great wy to block off telemarketers who always bothers you.
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6 Responses to "5 Ways To Keep Your Identity Safe and Clear from Spammers"
January 3, 2008 5:58 PM
This is wonderful information. My server is currently in the process of deleting almost 2 million spam emails because my domain was not set to reject them. It is now! Spammers suck!
You do have a wonderful note on this, and thanks for sharing.
January 4, 2008 3:04 AM
You could at least give a credit to the original article.
5 Disposable Services to Keep Your Identity Safe
January 4, 2008 9:46 AM
I will do so, sorry i did not have it in.
I like the numbr site which could generate good fake number for me.
January 4, 2008 11:05 AM is a company that also helps reduce your chances of ID theft. UnlistAssist will remove you name and personal information from 40 online databases and major people search engines. This not only increases your ID protection, but also decreases your postal junk mail - since your name/ info is no longer out there in cyberworld waitng to be used by direct mail marketers.
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