Does anyone care whether there is any relevance linking a blog which talks about music and a blog that talks about cartoon characters? I don't think anyone cared at that time and their objective is to get as many blogs to link back so that the next pagerank update will be rewarding with the number of backlinks attained in the short period of 3 months.

Image credit:ocean.flynn
Example: Technorati Experiment
Maki was one of first few blogger's to start an experiment like this creating a page with backlink on fans that added him on the list. It took off pretty successful and never stopped, apparently many have followed and started their very own, like my 1000 Technorati friends experiment, which i currently only have 82 fans, losing about 100 plus of them since my last update, since most of those blogs who linked died. Thus i am always looking forward to more fans who are willing to link to me. I drop them an avatar with their technorati favorites link. Have this viral experiment died? Many say yes, it no longer have the values that was once looked upon.
Pagerank review give back
Example:Pagerank Give away
Abusing the pagerank given to you was what many bloggers did. In a very nice way, "write a short review of my blog and i will return you a backlink in my batch list of reviews, remember you will get a backlink from a pagerank 7." Sounds familiar? There were tons of blogs who used this method to increase their backlink by 5 times the amount on a daily basis. The requirement was simple, just a simple review and receive a backlink from a pagerank 7 which is good PR for your blog if it is still waiting for your first pagerank update.
Viral Tag Matrix
The main idea of this tagging program is to allow others that got pinged by you to also join in this viral tagging matrix and have fun together, copy your Anchor Text (located right after “My Anchor Text”) and URL and paste them into their ViralTags Matrix. Let's say you drop blogger A with a link and blogger A also posted on his blog to linkback with blogger B. Now if blogger B is to give you a ping back, you should update your own post and also drop him a linkback in return. Apparently this matrix tagging failed badly since everyone is not willing to edit their post over and over again.
The Geek Train Tagging
Example: Geek Train
It is a requirement that you post a short paragraph at the start before stating the rules of this Geek Train and then copying the list of bloggers who have already participated in this Viral Train Linking. In your last paragraph include in the bloggers you would like to tag and continue this journey on and on. In this way you will increase both your backlinks and also your technorati authority counts. I guess the train got washed away in India after the tsunami struck them.
8 things you did not know about me list
Example: 8 things you do not know
This was one of the last meme tagging i have seen and with a very unique idea. Post 8 things about you that others do not know in your own words. In this case, it will not be considered as a spammy mail with just links and no content. You can only tag a maximum of 200 links(best to be a list of 10 only) and anything above that will be considered as a spam post filled with links(linkfarm).
Now will anyone start a viral meme tagging again and repeat history or will this unethical way of link building be buried deep under the archives of every blogger's past. Popular ways of receiving a linkback could easily come from a free tool that you would like to share among from readers, a wordpress theme that you are giving for free and also a crazy list of resourceful post that you think others should linkback to it and give credits to you.
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4 Responses to "5 Linkbuilding Meme Methods Which Are No Longer In Popular Demand"
November 25, 2007 4:30 PM
Hi Mr Teo,
I have found your last two posts very interesting. Thankyou!
I have subscribed to your feed and as per your most recent post, I added your Blog to my Technorati Fav's. (If you get a chance, I'd really appreciate a return favourite from you on Technorati!)
Looking forward to reading more.
November 25, 2007 6:09 PM
The funniest viral link campaigns that I have ever seen is the last one. For once, many people creates many of such memes with their creativity.
All those blogs who participated eventually got a large chunk of links in just one or two weeks time.
I like the effect but having a post to become a link farm is too much for me.
November 25, 2007 11:36 PM
I participated in some of these very early on and was introduced to some great blogs and tons of links but soon started getting comments to not do these because people didn't find a lot of value in the post itself!
November 26, 2007 11:21 AM
I have participated in many too, and its just dead for now!
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